RBTA split

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Oct 8, 2012
Going to put my question at the top, and the big long diatribe afterwards with the 'story' and params so that I don't get a lot of tl;dr. I'm wondering if anyone does anything special when a nem splits such as dulling lighting or flow to aid in recovery a bit... or possibly feeding the clones? (I don't normally feed, but every once in a while I will shoot some mysid in its direction) Or any other general advice at this point. I'm not worried, just trying to make everything in the tank a little more comfortable through the process.

On to the diatribe!
So, my rbta split. I think its a 'happy' split, rather than an 'unhappy' split, but who knows, they split when the split right? (some of you may be aware of the 'infamous' splitter that was being passed around out of SF&P, and I believe mine is of that lineage..) Its been a bit unhappy as I've been dialing in the new LED light, but nothing that had me overly concerned, and I'm guessing its the lighting change(s) that triggered the split.
Regardless, the nem seems fine and has split before, but when it had the clowns weren't hosting. Needless to say, they are both a bit unhappy at the moment as it has taken up spots pretty low in the tank, and is sheltering a bit in recovery... From the looks of the two splits, I don't see anything unhealthy. Not that I'd be totally sure what to look for, but its inflated, has good color, and no gaping mouth type stuff... If I saw the splits at a LFS, I'd wouldn't hesitate to purchase them.
The clowns seem a bit lost without their host, but in the long run, it should likely be a good thing for my male, as he only gets borrowed time in the nem, when the female allows it. She should have a bit more trouble guarding two of them though, although, I realize its possible she could, and she's currently somewhat trying too.

So, things look to be progressing fine, params are all where they should be as of last nights tests
I didn't check ammonia and trites as the tank has been established for years. If someone things I should, I will though and report.
Alk : 8.35,
Nitrates in the barely readable pink so .02-.05,
cal: 400 (which is a bit low for this tank, but its just the nem and the clowns, and I'm in the middle of my two week water change schedule)
Since alk and cal are inline, and mg was ok when I checked it last week at 1250 or so, I didn't do that one either. I can run that and report also if someone feels it necessary.
Nothing special here. They should heal within 24hrs. I don't usually feed my nem as my maroon likes to feed it. He would grab big pieces of food and feed it to my nem.
my female feeds the nem to sometimes. i think she knows better than i when it comes to that..
i would assume they are 'healed' as to any damage the split may have caused, but they are hiding a bit... seems normal to me that they would do so.. they also seem to be on the move a bit, so they may be using the space between the rock and the glass to help keep their feet a little more protected, and i'm making an assumption that is why they are hugging the bottom a bit more

i'm starting the feel a bit sad for my clown tho. i know it sounds weird, but i really think my female is 'pouting' she can just barely do a swipe through the tips.. and then she backs up and looks at it like 'hey, i thought we were friends!' amazing the personalities we impose on our fish, isn't it?
Neither one of my clowns pay any attention to my RBTA. I really don't care as long as the RBTA and the clowns are happy. I think mine is getting ready to split again, the base is elongating. It just split two weeks ago.
my female feeds the nem to sometimes. i think she knows better than i when it comes to that..
i would assume they are 'healed' as to any damage the split may have caused, but they are hiding a bit... seems normal to me that they would do so.. they also seem to be on the move a bit, so they may be using the space between the rock and the glass to help keep their feet a little more protected, and i'm making an assumption that is why they are hugging the bottom a bit more

i'm starting the feel a bit sad for my clown tho. i know it sounds weird, but i really think my female is 'pouting' she can just barely do a swipe through the tips.. and then she backs up and looks at it like 'hey, i thought we were friends!' amazing the personalities we impose on our fish, isn't it?

Especially when we think that we know what they are thinking. I do that all of the time with mine and my cat. I translate all of his meows and looks into human terms and all of my fish into what I think they are thinking. I think I am making it much more complicated than it is. But it's fun.
Especially when we think that we know what they are thinking. I do that all of the time with mine and my cat. I translate all of his meows and looks into human terms and all of my fish into what I think they are thinking. I think I am making it much more complicated than it is. But it's fun.
Its much worse with my dogs, as I think they have an idea what I am thinking. Then I have to factor in what I think they think I am thinking. LOL