Re design on my 60 cube

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2005
I have ALWAYS hated my rockscape in my tank! Since my funding is low right now I am going to construct some DIY rock using white portland cement and oyster shell. I have access to a creek so I estimate a 2-3 week curing time. Now I just need to come up with some cool ass shapes to make the tank look better. I was going to purchase the cement today and get started but the store i am buying from is closed today :pout: . When I get it started I will post pics of the rock molds and the general re design before and after.
Yep.... Haven't upgraded in 10 years! LOL Well tank anyway...... using d120 LED, downgraded to swc 160 skimmer...that's about it!
I've been wanting to do some re Aqua scaping... I can't seem to find time to get my hands in the tanks to set coral. Let alone, take coral out in buckets to really do wat I want. Before and after pix demanded! Lol
Cant wait to see what ya come up with.
Not sure 2-3 weeks will be enough time to cure the rock.
And be sure to cycle it real well before switching it out with the rock in the DT (and not all at once)
I will Pepcrylic. Way back in the day I made some rock and it took 3 months to cure in a plastic tub with daily water changes. There was a thread on hear in October of a guy who cured his diy rock in a stream and it took about 3 weeks, hence the time frame. This will be a long re design with all my coral being transferred to my 70 gallon frag tank for a 2-3 months while the rock does it thing.