Recommendations for first fish and others

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Jan 5, 2008
When we are ready we want to add a couple small fish. What do you recommend as strong first fish? Obviously reef friendly as that is our goal.

Also I have read about tank janitors but don't know the best choices for small tanks.

Everyone is so helpful, I appreciate you all taking the time to provide info.
Hi salinero, tell us more about your tank, your contents, your equipment and when it was set up. Also tell us what your longer range plans are for it.
Damsels are pretty hardy... they can be annoying little fish, but they are pretty hardy for a first fish
We bought a 28 gal NANO HQI tank. This is to hold us while we make the decision on a larger tank. The tank had MH light, protein skimmer, 30 lbs of cured live rock, about 20lbs of live sand. We just recently set it up and are in the cycling phase. But we are planning, a few corals, hopefully an anenome and a clown fish to go with it (if one can be in a little tank, otherwise I will have to wait). Mainly items that will add color and fit into the smaller system. I like the idea of fish for motion in the tank I would like a fish we want to keep for the long haul.

Why are damsels a pain?
Some damsels tend to get territorial and agressive. Green Chromis tend to be an exception to that and are good first fish. They are cheap and fairly hardy. If you want to eventualy have a clown you could probaly also get one now if your tank has cycled.

salinero, a tank bred clown would be a good choice. I just bought two black ones for my 125g. We had a purple firefish and an orange spotted shrimp goby and pistol shrimp combo in my wife's 24 gallon nano cube. Cool fish and occupied different areas of the tank.
Anemones move around a lot & without experience I'd say better to stay away from them at least until your tank is more mature.
Damsels are all territorial Including clowns & green chromis, in a small tank like that they will eventually become the bully.
That said clowns are the most peaceful & do very well in smaller tanks.
Sixlines are good smaller fish also, bi-color blennys another good addition.
I think clowns or damsels. I started with Damsels as my first fish, and they lived forever, and I have a clown that has outlasted every other fish. It's older than my dog.
from my experience clowns and chromis are nice start fish. The damsels I would be careful with or even avoid. some of them are ok but watch out with them. I had a couple I believe they were dominos and they basically killed everything they could encluding my tang before I got them out of there. firefish aren't a bad choice either.

IMO of course
Sixlines are good smaller fish

I second the suggestion for a sixline. And they are constantly moving - looking for pods to eat.

Damsels, chromis and clownfish, while being hardy and looking nice, tend to "hold station" rather than cruising the whole tank.