Red bug interceptor dip?

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Me+NaH2O= :-)
May 21, 2004
I got a couple of Acropora sp. corals from a fellow reefer and one ended up having some red bugs. These corals are both still easy to remove from the tank. I imagine that if one has the bugs, then its likely the other has them as well. I am hoping to try and do an interceptor dip on them and was wondering the dosage and duration of the dip I should use? Also, where's the best place to get the interceptor pill anyhow? Thanks everyone for your help.


oh, also. I have one other A. millepora in the tank thats a ways away from both of the other corals, do you think its also infected? I haven't seen any of the typical symptoms.
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I couldn't really help you with the above questions, but I did just recently searched the net yesterday on red bugs myself and found out that some people are getting interceptor from Canada as they do not require a prescription for it there. Other than that, I am way to new to give any advice!
Good Luck...I was wondering if that was not what killed all my acros as I found what might be a red bug in a rock while I was attaching a frag yesterday (originally thought it was temp wondering!)
IME red bugs are quite selective in which Acropora corals they select. Another note is that in ideal conditions (for Acropora) they have little effect on polyp extension, health, or growth. Poor health and/or growth in Acropora is almost always a combination of several or more factors.

IMO, i would treet the whole tank 3 times to have the best results, and set up a quar tank to make sure you dont re-introduce the bugs. The red bugs are rather tough to irradicate due to there breeding, so 3 treetments is recommended.

Most Pills of the interceptor will do 300G of water. Dont be afraid of OD'ing the tank. Est as close as possible.
If you treat your entire tank just be aware that you could lose any shrimp, crabs, pods etc.

I followed this method to dip my corals and was able to eliminate the red bug without treating the entire tank I used 1/4 of an interceptor tab in 4 gallons of tank water, put water, all of my acros and the rock they were attached to into a container with a heater and powerhead, left them in there for an hour, rinsed in tank water and put them back in the tank. I only had to do one treatment, back in September or October last year, haven't seen any bugs since.

I was able to get the interceptor from my vet I have been going to for many years. I printed out the info from the above link and took it with me and explained to the vet what I was doing. They had no problem selling it to me.
I had to bring an infected frag into the vet to get interceptor. The vet also practiced in exotic animals and works for the Garland Animal Clinic in Spokane. Since I was the first one she had seen about red bugs, I also had to find the original documents online showing interceptor as the cure. I included this link below. I also had to sign a form stating that they were'nt responsible for what happened to my tank. I had to pay for a vet visit plus the cost of the medicine. I think I paid around $100 maybe more?

I read that dips don't work because of the duration it takes for the interceptor to kill the bugs. I treated the whole tank 3 times as suggested by Dustin Dorton here:

I actually left the medicine in for 48 hours each time before doing a water change though and dosed once each week for 3 weeks.

I did have A. Millipora and it was infected along with the other acropora corals. In my experience the bugs will infect "all acropora corals" and they preferred my tri-color acros.

I didn't lose my cleaner shrimp, but I did lose my goby that ate bugs from the sand and prepared food. He refused to eat afterward and I'm not sure if it was the interceptor or not. I didn't lose my mandarin which eats nothing but pods.

One more thing:

I ended up having to retreat my tank because the first time I only dosed twice. After a couple weeks the red bugs were back.

The second time I treated the tank, I made sure I dosed all three times and I observed red bugs still crawling around on the acros after 5-6 hours. That's why I left the medicine in there a lot longer. Once the bugs start dying you can see them lose their grip on the coral and some of them hang of the coral by strings which I assume is the corals sliming them off.

I quarentine all new additions to the tank now.
Fish and inverts can be affected by the treatment. Some Anthias, Tangs, Gobies, Starfish, can be blinded and/or killed.

Thanks for all the replies. I think the dip is the best bet for me right now. The pieces have only been in there for 5 days and I'm hoping that they haven't spread too much. With that said, I have only 3 acros (rest are either lps, monties, or porites) one of which is an A. millepora which from what I've read isn't very likely to get the bugs. I know you have to buy the interceptor pill in a package of 6. For a small dip for 2 corals, I think I'd only need one pill which should last me more treatments than I'd need. So, does anyone around have an extra pill they'd be willing to sell me for a buck or two? Thanks everyone
