Red monti discoloration...what to do?!?:(

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emerald crab
Jul 3, 2010
Kirkland, Washington
So the other day I noticed my red monti had a little bit of a white spot on it. At first I thought it might have just been some debris or something from when I had done a water change. Then today I noticed that there was even more white on it. It looks like its losing its color or getting bleached:( and I dont know what to do about it. Can anyone help??

Hmm...For starters how long have you had the monti? Also, have you changed anything recently like lighting? If not, are your bulbs possibly do for a change? Any other corals seem affected? Lastly, you said you did a water change...How much did you do and to your knowledge were the parameters the same as the tanks (ie temp, salinity etc)?

Just a few thoughts for starters. I moved your thread to Kevin's forum to see if maybe he can offer a bit of help. :)

I've had the monti for about 6 months or so, I havnt changed the lighting but the bulb might possibly be in need for changing (got the light about 6months ago as well, but I dont know if its time to change the bulbs or not), non of the other corals seem to be affected. When I did the water change, it was 20% water change but the temp and parameters werent the same, water was colder and salinity was lower than that of the tank...I'm pretty sure that it's not new growth because the areas that turned white were parts that were red before, and there are no polyps extended in the white area. The water levels are all fine apart from the calcium being a kinda low
what are the actual numbers?

my monti caps started fading and i thought it was due to the light change i tested the water after a water change and measured 9dkh for my alk and 480 for my cal. 3 weeks later i tested it again because the monti caps seemed to be still turning white and i got 5dkh and 600+ cal. so i performed a series of water changes 2x40% then 20% changes for 2 weeks. alk was back up to 9dkh but cal was still in the 600 range. a week later the alk was back down to 5dkh so i started to dose just alk every day until alk was back up and i have been doing it my monti caps are coloring back up and my cal is kinda back in range around 550 now and still going down.

during all this i lost an acro colony, yellow scroll, half of my neon green trumpets, a challice frag.
i think its the cal drop in between the water chage u did get that cal up to atleast 420 dont raise it more then 50 a day
It would be wise to check your mag. levels if your having a tough time getting it stable.
I'd do a series of moderate water changes with salinity mixed to 1.026. I had a few spots develop on my monti and that's all I did. The spots that I had on my monti looked as if the surface had flaked off. I'd been a bit lazy with water changes so I simply got back on track with those and the monti recovered almost immediately.
