red sea purple tang HELP!

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Sep 17, 2005
not sure what is wrong with him but it seems as if he is losing weight even though he eats. not as much or as quick as the blue or yellow tang but he eats. he use to be fat then all of a sudden he started getting skinny. anyone have this problem before. please help, he is such a beautiful fish 125 gal with corals and rocks those are the only fish
you need steve..he is the man.

we need a special call that only steve can hear. that man is amazing!
Yep you need Steve-s. But lets get this thing started. How long has the fish been in the tank? Is there any visable signs of anything on the fish that might be causing this? What's the diet look like? Have you added any new fish recently? Might start to setup a QT tank just incase you need to treat the fish for something.
I had tang issues and they cleared when I used Spectrum Thera-A Anti-Parasitic Formula. I love the food. No issues since. Just something for a first round of defense.
He may just not be getting enough chow. If the other two are more aggressive he may just be getting the left overs. Do you keep a constant source of nori in the tank? If so you may need to add another source so that he can eat while the others are eating. I keep a constant half sheet at each end of the tank so the more agressive ones will let the others eat.

im guessing internal/intestinal parasite.

He may just not be getting enough chow. Do you keep a constant source of nori in the tank?

These are the two most likely issues. A parasite or not enough/the worng foods available.

If the tang was not QT'd and dewormed, that would most likely be the best place to start. I would add garlic extract to the food every day for aweek and see how that helps. That will just diminish the problem some but not kill it off if worms. You will still need to get some Praziquantel and add it to the food or buy an already food laced product. It's a very simple and safe treatment. Once is usually enough but can be repeated after a week to be safe.

What is the diet of the fish?
What tank mates?

i called saltwater city and they told me that you can only get it from a vet. does anyone have some i can buy. then i need to catch the fish for quarantine.
Praziquantel is freely available from many online sources as Droncit or as a "ready to use" product.

What city/state are you in?

Prazipro or or the Gel-tek Ultra cure PX would fit the bill. The Gel tek being the prefered item. It will treat over and above as it includes Metronidazole.

i live in seattle,wa do you know a place where i can buy it? thanks for all your guys help. it's a beautiful hobby but i recently had a son so times are ruff, thanks for making the hobby a bit easier. does anyone have any frags for sale by any chance