Red slime remover

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May 7, 2009
If put in a position to use ultralife red slime remover , 1. Should all carbon be removed and 2. Should skimmer be shutoff or reduced or left as normal. 3. Are extra water changes required because of its use?.
If put in a position to use ultralife red slime remover , 1. Should all carbon be removed and 2. Should skimmer be shutoff or reduced or left as normal. 3. Are extra water changes required because of its use?.

1. Carbon does not have to be removed.
2. ABSOLUTELY... or turned down as far as it will go.
3. You can if you want to but its not necessary.

Remember turn down the skimmer or you will have a problem.
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Siphon out as much Cyano as possible, before treatment. Discontinue Carbon and skimming, however, leave your skimmer running, just remove air from it, so water circulates through it. Most treatments sugest a 25% water change 5 days after treatment.

Carbon DOES need to be removed, or it'll remove the "medication" from the water column.
I used CHEMICLEAN red slime remover in my 125 Reef and I did as returnofsid suggested. Tried to clean/siphon off as much as possible, shut of my skimmer but added an airstone in the skimmer compartment of the sump to keep the oxygen level as high as possible. After two days I did a 25% water change, started carbon and when I first turned on the skimmer it went nuts. I turned it down for a day and then gradually got it back to normal over 3 days from startup. The CHEMICLEAN worked great and I am checking to see if/when it returns - hope that it never returns.
Siphon out as much Cyano as possible, before treatment. Discontinue Carbon and skimming, however, leave your skimmer running, just remove air from it, so water circulates through it. Most treatments sugest a 25% water change 5 days after treatment.

Carbon DOES need to be removed, or it'll remove the "medication" from the water column.

One thing is it safe to remove liverock from tank to clean I heard 2 totally different things one its okay take out and scrub off slime and algae and then not to because your killing good bacteria .your thoughts
That'll depend on how you're rinsing and scrubbing it. If you're using tank water, in a separate container, of course, it'll be just fine. If you were to use fresh water, such as tap or RO/DI, you'll kill beneficial bacteria. Keep in mind that any treatment, such as red slime remover, will also kill off a lot of beneficial bacteria. Red Slime algae isn't a true algae, it's a bacteria called Cyanobacteria. Because of this, the treatments are anti-bacterial and don't discriminate between good and bad bacteria.
i would go with the directions on the box myself. it worked well for me though the skimmer pulled some nasty red gunk and has to be dumped daily. definately do a water change once the slime is gone and or before another treatment if neccesary though it only took me one treatment with a really bad problem.