Reef Frontiers
Picture of the Month
New for 2012, Reef Frontiers will be having "Picture of the Month" contests with each month being a different topic/theme. This contest is for everyone, not just those pro shutter-bugs out there. Monthly winners get Braggin' Rights by having thier pic on the front page for all to see and a fancy new Badge as well. The year-end or "Picture of the Year" winner will receive a ?Fabulous Prize? plus a year of Premium Membership here on RF.Picture of the Month
January ~ "Best pic of coral or fish that would have made a cool Holiday ornament"
February ~ "Best 'Big-Mouth' shot of your fish yawning or eating something too large"
March ~ "March Madness of course, best shot of your coral or fish in your favorite teams color"
April ~ "Showers from the IRS, Best pic of livestock purchased with Tax Return money"
May ~ " May Flowers, so show us the best pic of your Zoa or Acan Garden"
June ~ " Summer growing season is almost here so best pic of your SPS growth tips"
July ~ " Independance Day, best Reeftank shot with RED, WHITE & BLUE"
August ~ " Heat of Summer and time for a Top Down shot of your tank
Best of needless to say"
September ~ " My favorite, start of river Salmon Fishing so give me your best Reef Fish
pic... extra points for fish that never stop"
October ~ " Best Scariest and/or Grossest (not rude/crude) reeftank pic" Reefs are a battle ground so use your imagination.
November ~ " Best Macro-shot of your Coral, depth of field is what I'm looking
for here" A handheld magnifying glass will work.
December ~ " Best Actinic shot, single animal or FTS... your choice"
** Every Month in the Photography Forum I/we will have a new thread up for each monthly contest to submit photos to **
Cheers, Todd/ RF Staff
fine print: all winning photos will need to be submitted in original file format to Reef Fontiers by e-mail to[/EMAIL"]"][/EMAIL] and ... "by submitting your photograph you authorize reef frontiers to use your photograph, and your name, username, etc., in marketing, the RF website, and promotional materials in perpetuity for financial and non-financial gain, without any reimbursement, royalties, or payment owed to the photograph owner" A maximum of 2 wins per member per calander year.
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