Refugium Alternatives.

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Apr 14, 2006
Edmonds, WA
I have a 20 gallon high, and little or no room for your typical refugium.

I have seen the hang on back refugiums but they are expensive, and dont leave you much room for other HOB accessories. At one time I thought I could move my skimmer into the HOB refugium but then I would have to had to move the stand and Aquarium almost a foot away from the wall which is not possible.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how one could get the benefits of micro algae and the like without a refugium? I have heard of people using Hagen Powerfilters as refugiums but I would not be able to get the large one everyone is using on the back of my tank with skimmer and all the other accessories back there. Would one of the smaller ones filled with chaeto even be worthwhile? I would appreciate any input, and thanks!
I also have the similar problems with my 20 gal high tank. I'd like to add a HOB refugium as well, but saw them going for ~120 at LFS, and not sure if I have space with a remora skimmer as well.

I also looked at in-tank refugiums but worried they would end up blocking light or end up looking clunky.
Yeah, I've been told I dont really need one. But I would like to get some macro algae to compete with the micro algae, and wanted some place for the pods to multiply.
I know I'm breaking a cardinal rule by using distilled water/tap water ( I try and buy ro/di water from LFS) but I'm gonna have to wait a little while before I purchase a RO/DI setup.
So I was gonna get a refugium to help control the hair algae and figured it wouldn't hurt to have one even after I start making my own good water.
Getto Fuge!

OK Here is what ya do;
Get that old worrn out tired looking Hang on the back filter clean it up, pull all fiters out & clean up pump, Place on back of tank,sump anyware it will fit.
Verify it runs good (plug it in) don't have the top cover on.
Fill with chetco and let it filer the water returning back to your tank.
Lighting ? If its on the back it sould get enought of the Tank lights If not get a 10 gallon Strip light and suspend or place small boards on top of the filter and there you go Geto Fuge

Ask me how i know??? :)
gloo said:
I know I'm breaking a cardinal rule by using distilled water/tap water

Distilled water is perfectly fine if not even better, now tap water I'd test it & hope it is regulated because some days it might be good & others very crappy. Nothing wrong with having a refugium & harvesting a crop, there are so many more ways of reef-keeping it is scary.;)
Glad to know, thanks for info. BTW Paul, its not my intention to hi-jack your post, my bad. Just wanted to tag along since I had similar setup and question.
Here's a great link for turning a HOB Power filter into a mini-refugium. I did this with my Aquaclear 300 and it's working GREAT. I used a cheapy clamp on lamp from Walmart (Make sure it's plastic, NOT metal) and replaced the standard incadenscent bulb with one of those energy effecient, compact flourescent bulbs that look like a coiled up flourescent.
Thanks for the input guys. I will probably get one of those small power filters and see if it does any good.

Gloo- No worries, I am glad the thread is helping someone else as well!
Is there anything wrong with just adding chaeto into the aquarium with the fish if your sole purpose is algae control?

Nope, nothing at all wrong with that...except that you'll have to weed it out all the time because of how fast it grows. I am not sure but I think if it's in a refugium, it would work better because all of the water is being filtered through it. It also is a place for all your pods and other assorted lil' critters to multiply without worrying about them being gobbled up by all your fish. As they multiply, some will work their way into the aquarium to make nice treats for your fish.
small peices of cheato will also break away and clog power heads. Once its in it can be tough in some cases to get rid of. every small little floater can grow.
This is a bit off the topic somewhat, but I was toying with the idea of exposing LR by reducing the water in the tank by 1/3rd and planting a mangrove near the exposed rock.

Searched for this topic on a couple reef forums and seems this has been done, but not sure what the long term effects may be. Figured the mangrove and some macro would compete with the micro algae, but worried that the wicking effect of porous LR to act like a wet-dry bio-ball and end up being a Nitrate factory.

Be cool if we can grow mangrove like a bonsai near the 'island' in the tank, although it'd create a bit of a shadow.