Refugium/Sump Questions

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Nov 22, 2008
Tacoma, WA
OK so I am getting ready to pull the trigger this weekend and purchase the remaining equipment for my sump/refugium. I have a 120 Gallon (60x18x26) glass aquarium, and a 40 gallon breeder for the sump/refugium. I understand that the target flow rate is 3x-5x of total system water through a sump. I am going with an SWC Xtreme 200 skimmer and according to the specs for the pump on the skimmer it flows 660 gallons/hr. I am figuring on about 130 gallons total system water. So my question is does the flow in the sump have to match the skimmer flow, which incidently is 5x the total water volume. The other question is, is 650 gallons/hr too fast for a refugium? My overflow is 1.5" so it can handle the 650G/Hr.

Thanks again,

The flow through a sump should be just over what go's through the skimmer IMO. In theory this will have almost all water going into the sump pass through the skimmer.

The speed of the water through the fuge depends on what the fuge is intended for. If the fuge is for algae, some like fast and some like slow. If its for natural food for the display then it depends on what you are trying to culture.
I've heard that the slower the water goes by the skimmer the better it removes the "ickies" out!
If it goes by to fast, to doesn't have a chance to get it all!
Chris and barb are right, the fuge depends on if it has a DSB or just algae or both,
Are you useing to remove NO3 or grow pods?
I want to use it to grow chaeto and pods if it is possible. I definately want the benefits of NO3 removal and growing pods would be a great bonus. I was thinking NSB with LR. You guys are great always keeping me thinking of other options!