Regal Angel w/fuzzy Fin Rot

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I Love Big Torts!
Feb 13, 2005
Renton, WA
Regal 3-4" no yellow belly s'posto be Indian Ocean, I hope!

QT set-up: 29 gal BioCube currently in Hypo Sal 1.010/ph 8.1/temp 77F
ceramic hide-aways. Bare bottom. Sponge/Floss in filter.

Started 4/11 @ normal 1.023 Salinity & specs & functioning biofilter. [Skimmer & 9w UV --turned off durring treatment phases].

Regal had minor injury to pectoral fin from LFS.
Day 3: noticable eroding of tissue on fin w/cloudyness. Began w/ IO Lifeguard treatment. Signs of no improvement as of 4th dose. Stopped tx cycled w/75% water change. Stripped remaining meds out for 24hrs.

As Regal developed cloudy eye, fast breathing/ redness in gill area /rubbing flashing/slow appetite, in addition to fin infection. Began & completed Oxylinic Acid treatment for 10 days. Fin shows healing & clearing. Fecal seams stringy? Refreshed & cycled tank 24hrs.

PraziPro treatment for 2x over a week.
Cured the above symptoms except cloudy eye has gone cloudy+pop-eye and cloudyness is returining to fin. Stopped adding tissue now cloudy edged. Refreshed & cycled tank 24hrs.

KanaPlex (Kanamycin) tx 3 doses 14 days completed. Cured eye to near normal, still has noticable elongated imbeded white worm/parasite? Refreshed & cycled tank 24hrs.

Hyposalinity tx w/another dose of PraziPro for 7 days. Eye parasite now gone, only blemmish remains. But, now secondary infection has erroded the fin. Cottony & gray edged. Cycled tank again...

Currently Continued Hypo & began tx w/Melafix daily + Sulfathiazole (triple sulfa agent) at triple dose/tx since up to 4x is allowed. Ammonia/Nitrite/Nitrate is kept at safe levels w/additive since bio is now toast w/all this process these last weeks. But hey, he's still hanging in there & foraging!

Have left anything out to heal this extream case of fin rot. Whew!


I feel for you.

I just lost a gorgeous 7" Regal angel (RedSea) myself. And still heartbroken.

You are doing as much as you can. The only thing I have a question on is the size of the QT..It might be too small for this fish which may be causing stress.
I know I am at the max end acording to Lee's QT limits of 5-7g/inch of fish. But I couldn't resist to try, it is a QT after-all. I have been fortunate to have many of my fish live 6-10yrs only to pass for old age or choke on a derasa clam. I am now only at a point where I am adding fish via QT after this long period of good tankmates in 125g DT.
The good news is you are doing everything for your fish; the bad news is you are doing everything for your experience is if the secondary infection hits the fins or gills, the fish is on borrowed time.

Which was the case for my Regal.