Regal feeding tips.....?

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2004
Sumner WA
I recently aquired a 5-6" red sea yellow bellied regal angle. Hes fat at almost an 1.5" thick.

I added him to my 1000g tank and he adapted well. No hiding or nervous behavior. He swims to the glass as I approach, and swims peacfully around the reef. I have seen these fish before and they normally act very frightened if not doing well. They also seem to hide alot normally.

After 4 days of offering live brine, mysis, nori, brown algae sheets, sea veggies, formula 2, formula angel, venus clams, New life spectrum and rods reef I saw no interest in food.

In an attempt to possibly reduce his stress (if he is indeed stressed) I decided to move him to my 100g refugium. He's alone in there with calerpa, chateo, and a red leafy algae, along with TONS of pods and starfish. Today when I approached the fuge he swam to the surface and looked at me like he was expecting to be fed. I again offered all the above listed items and he was not interested.

Is there any type of food I have yet to have offered? My assumption would be since his behavior is otherwise normal he would already be eating....

Did you see him eating before you bought him? If not, you should of passed. If so, try those foods until he eats again. I've heard many times that if they aren't the dominant fish in a tank they don't do well. Wish I had more helpful words, but the one I got from Barrier Reef four months ago has been eating everything I put in the tank.
Offer him some food soaked in garlic extract.

Yeah I tried that too.....:(

Did you see him eating before you bought him? If not, you should of passed. If so, try those foods until he eats again. I've heard many times that if they aren't the dominant fish in a tank they don't do well. Wish I had more helpful words, but the one I got from Barrier Reef four months ago has been eating everything I put in the tank.

He actually was an online order so I didnt get to see him in advance.... How did you get yours started?
I recently aquired a 5-6" red sea yellow bellied regal angle. Hes fat at almost an 1.5" thick.

I added him to my 1000g tank and he adapted well. No hiding or nervous behavior. He swims to the glass as I approach, and swims peacfully around the reef. I have seen these fish before and they normally act very frightened if not doing well. They also seem to hide alot normally.

After 4 days of offering live brine, mysis, nori, brown algae sheets, sea veggies, formula 2, formula angel, venus clams, New life spectrum and rods reef I saw no interest in food.

In an attempt to possibly reduce his stress (if he is indeed stressed) I decided to move him to my 100g refugium. He's alone in there with calerpa, chateo, and a red leafy algae, along with TONS of pods and starfish. Today when I approached the fuge he swam to the surface and looked at me like he was expecting to be fed. I again offered all the above listed items and he was not interested.

Is there any type of food I have yet to have offered? My assumption would be since his behavior is otherwise normal he would already be eating....


Hi Brett,

1000 Gallons!!>!>! I want to see this!!!

Any of this fish's normal foods will tempt it -- when it is ready to eat. That is to say, it isn't the food, but the acclimation.

This post may help you out: My New Fish Won't Eat -- Tips.

The fish will eat whatever is being offered when it has acclimated. These fish are hard to acclimate = hard to get eating = hard to keep, hence their reputation for best being left in the reef.

Latest estimates for my geographic area are that for every 1,000 captured, less than 75 live for more than a year in captivity in hobbyist care.