RF is by far the best!!!

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2003
Portsmouth, OH
Over the past year I have done a lot of reading in several different forums and I always end up back at RF. I am far away from most all members of RF so going to the meetings, getting help with my tank, helping others with their tanks, and swamping frags is not much of an option for me. However, this is by far the best and friendliest group of people I've met and the information is always top knotch. Even when asking dumb questions people get treated with respect.

Just in case you don't hear it enough REEF FRONTIER STAFF (and fellow members)... You are the best I've found online. Keep up the great work.

I have to agree with you - I love this place, and I think we have the best membership around!

Beeba - you should take a drive out to Premium Aquatics in Indianapolis on a Saturday - you could then swing by and help with my tank....er - see my tank ;) :D.
I may have to do that some time. The only person I know in Ohio that has a reef tank is a guy that lives just up the street from me. He bought a car from me last fall and after seeing my tank he bought one just like it. That doesn't give me much of a variety since it looks just like mine.

I usually only go to Indi for the Brickyard race in August but this year I didn't renew my tickets. Stupid of me... I know...

I've tried getting interested in the Cinci Reef club but it just doesn't have the same feeling as this place.
Beeba said:
Over the past year I have done a lot of reading in several different forums and I always end up back at RF. I am far away from most all members of RF so going to the meetings, getting help with my tank, helping others with their tanks, and swamping frags is not much of an option for me. However, this is by far the best and friendliest group of people I've met and the information is always top knotch. Even when asking dumb questions people get treated with respect.

Just in case you don't hear it enough REEF FRONTIER STAFF (and fellow members)... You are the best I've found online. Keep up the great work.


You know, considering what went on yesterday with a certain thread, and the people that responded to her, we have the best bunch of people that I've ever seen. I went to another board, and this lady was getting torched left and right. Never once on this board did anyone have any doubts about her situation. It is with alot of credit to the staff and members of RF, that things were solidly straightened out. Major kudos to all of you, that's why we all end up back here to discuss what we love. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for starting this thread, Beeba!
I feel the same way you do about this site. My local reef club also seems rather non-existent, but of course that’s partly my own fault for not getting involved with it. It’s just so convenient to converse with people on here when I have the time, rather than having to actually meet somewhere at a certain time when it seems my own time is very limited.
I’m very grateful to have found this site with all of its knowledgeable staff and members. I’m learning so much from here. It’s like having your favorite reef book at your fingertips when ever you need it!
This site rocks. The mods are great and very helpful. I live a loooonnng ways away and will probably never get to meet people in person but love this site and will continue to participate.
Beeba said:
Over the past year I have done a lot of reading in several different forums and I always end up back at RF. I am far away from most all members of RF so going to the meetings, getting help with my tank, helping others with their tanks, and swamping frags is not much of an option for me. However, this is by far the best and friendliest group of people I've met and the information is always top knotch. Even when asking dumb questions people get treated with respect.

Just in case you don't hear it enough REEF FRONTIER STAFF (and fellow members)... You are the best I've found online. Keep up the great work.


I love you RF *opens arms for big hug* You know i always come crawlin back to you! :) And baby, you always take me back :p

Dont worry about bein to far from meetins Schreena we are havin the RF party here in S.Dakota so its only halfway for you and the WA people, ill see you this weekend :badgrin:

Yes i love this place because i can ask *i mean people can* dumb questions and people still give me respect and answer them!

I just wish everyone was on at 4 in the morning like i am :shock:


Leroy aka The Jidster :cool:
What can I say?.....I couldn't agree more!!!I just feel Bless for finding a site like RF.I'm in the other side of the world and yet I made ReefFrontiers my Home.....(Page).To all the Staff and members of RF Thank You! There is really no place like home... :D :)

Hi Beeba and all others RF members. I agree with you, and must to say this is the only "English lenguage" forum which I visit.
"I am far away from most all members of RF..." what to said... I am from Serbia, small European country and only RF memeber which I meet is Jasenka from Croatia (both ex YU countries) this june.

You think you are far from other members of this forum? Hello from Finland... :p :lol:

I agree with everything said so far, Reef Frontiers seems lika a great forum. Lots of very knowledgeable and experienced hobbyists here! Seems like many well known heavy posters from other forums have found a new home here :cool:
This is a kind place to reef post, learn & share information & the best part is there is no pressure, we just kick back & enjoy what most can't have, you think about it, our commumity deserves a big pat on the back for keeping it that way.
Hello Tatu :lol: Finland... still far, far away :( I am glad to see another memeber from Europe. BTW, nice looking aquarium.
I guess I don't feel so far away now. :)

I have recently joined a local reef club but I still think this one is the BEST!
I thought I was the only one on here late at night. I'm usually on anywhere from 3 to 6 PST. Not that I wake up that early, I'm still up.
