Ricordia pics for Krish (pic intense)

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See Anemaknee
Oct 20, 2005
Krish asked for some pics of ric in my tank. Only took me a month to take them.:D Got a good pic of the blasto so I included it. Just thought I would share.








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250w 14K coralVue DE. They actually look like 10k. I would not suggest them if you want nice color.
wwouu wwouu !!!
those are some nice rics dood !! i like the red one specially :D .

but where's the candy cane?!!! come on show it to me :D
Gaby this is a family site.:eek:
Oh. You mean the coral? You can only see one head of "your" frag sticking up in this pic.
Hmmm. Your frilly mushrooms actually split like normal mushrooms.

Mine just keeps getting bigger and has never split. I've got an 8" diameter frilly mushroom in a 20G nano. Any idea what made yours decide to stop growing and behave like a normal mushroom? :p

Those truely are nice rics. Now could you please oh please post a full tank shot so I can convince my wife to set up our new softy tank like yours instead of gorgonians like she wants.
Dylan: I guess you are talking about the bottom rock in the 5th pic. Not sure what to suggest. I know a razor will work good.:)
Trido: you do not want a pic of my tank. I am getting ready for downsizing and stuff is stuck everywhere. No aquascape and glass not clean. The tank is 525 gal so if I back up far enough to get a full tank shot you will not see anything. Tell her gorgonians are hard to keep alive like Ron suggested.:lol:
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well, we only hope that his wife is not a member here like your wife Brian!!!!:badgrin: she won't like us very much!!!!:D
Melissa does not come here anymore. Krish got on her nerves so she stays away.:badgrin: Speaking of...Has anyone seen the little human bean tonight?
Melissa does not come here anymore.

what !!! Ron this is all your fault for showing her your Halloween picture :p :lol: .

Speaking of...Has anyone seen the little human bean tonight?

my bet is ... he's very busy burping Emily OR he's doing something with the poor tank :lol:
Thanks. Actually it is not the same one. The one in the top pic about half the size of the bottom one. I have more to take pics of but ran out of time. I had to scrape coralline everytime I went to take a pic. That is sad huh?
Nice shot Brian!!!! :eek: I am also impressed that for the first time my name is mentioned in a title of a thread, it is not teasing me:p Very very nice shots!!! Your new tank is gonna rock!:)