Ro filter shut off making noise

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Lost in the salty water
Aug 21, 2005
my ro unit makes noise.... coming from the shut offvalve on top of the unit. It is the Filter guys ocean reef +2. Any idea why or how to shut this thing up????? It is very obnoxious!!! It sounds like the valve won't close and then all of a sudden it does and goes quiet. It is hooked to my sump via a kent float valve. The pressure gauge wiggles rapidly during the noise making and then goes still after the noise stops.
It sounds like the coil on the solenoid is going out or there is debris in the diaphram of shut off. There is an electromagnet that moves a piston on to a diaphram to start or stop the flow of water. When the coil is going bad it makes that piston chatter which intern stops and starts the flow vibrating your pressure gauge. If there is no electricity involved then take apart the shut off and clean the accumulated sediment which can cause the same symptoms.
I have no power to this solenoid. This is all hydralic. I will try this any other ideas?
If the shut-off isn't the problem you may take a closer look at the float also, it should go from open to close & not in between, It may be bouncing & not letting git shut off completely.