Ron Shimek Articles

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Nov 20, 2003
St. Louis, MO
Sponges and Tunicates

Sponges: A Bunch of Holes Held Together by Some Cells

Tunicates or Sea Squirts: A Wet Link

Some Truths about Sponges

Sponges, out from under the counter...

Identification and Husbandry of Aquarium Sponges

Jellyfish and Hydroids

Comb Jellies


Hydroids — The Ultimate Cnidarians

10-oh-4, Good Buddy!!

Shrimp, Crabs and other crusties

Herbivory and Algae (Borneman); Snapping Shrimp (Shimek)

Sea Spiders

Possum Shrimps or Mysids

The Lean, Unmean, Grazing Machines — Chitons in Nature And Aquaria


So... Now You've Found Out You've Gotten The Crabs

Hermit Crabs in a Reef Tank

Bigger Bugs

Nudibranchs, Slugs, Flatworms

Beautiful, but Unwelcome; Aeolid Nudibranchs in the Reef Aquarium


Snails, Molluscs and other tiny things


Turbo Snail Problems and Acclimatization, Various Authors

And Along Came a Spider

Naked ...Gills on Snails

The Mollis Clans – A Celebration of Molluscan Diversity

Nassarius Snails as Scavengers in Reef Aquaria

The Grazing Snails, Part I Turbo, Trochus, Astraea And Kin

The Grazing Snails, Part II - Abalones, Limpets and Nerites

The Grazing Snails, Part III: Conchs, Ceriths, Cowries, and Columbellids

Snail Eggs

Things with stings....Conus snails

Snails that ain't...Vermetid Snails In Marine Aquaria

The Predatory Shelled Snails

"Okay, Clamrades, the Meeting Will Come to Order..."

Nano-Animals, Part 1: Rotifers

Life Styles of the Small and Minute: Some Consequences of Tininess

White Spots on the Walls

The Mollis Clans - A Celebration of Molluscan Diversity

The Animal as a Life Cycle — Invertebrate Larvae


Ciliated Protozoans — Unseen Marvels


Various "Pods"

You Can't Tell Your "Pods" Without A Program...

Cirolanid Isopods by Keith Clarke and Ron Shimek

Bitty Bugs: Copepods in the Reef Aquarium

Pills, Parasites, and Predators; Isopods in the Reef Aquarium

Odd Pods and Tanoids


Starfish and Related Echinoderms

Little White Starfish, Various Authors

Starfish Acclimatisation, Various Authors

Feather Stars - Fragile Beauty

Sea Stars

We Owe Alot to Brainless Dominance

Urchins, Cucumbers, and Other

Sea Urchins, A Testy Subject

There is No Reason To Be Spineless

Echinoderms in Aquaria

The Meat of the Matter(Echinoderms)

Echinoderms, Unique and Odd

The Life and Death of Sea Pens

Marine Worms

Oh, Those Horrible Worms! Part 1

Oh, Those Horrible Worms! Part 2

Hints About the Diets and Habitats of Host Anemones by Ron Shimek

Invertebrate Differences

Invertebrate Strippers


Waste Extraction, The Invertebrate Way

Oh, Bartender, I'll Have a Glass of "Old Aggression" on the Rocks

Faunal Extinction and Coral Reefs; What Can Hobbyists Do?

Dem Bones...

Why Are There So Many Kinds of Reef Animals?


What is a “Scientific Name,” Anyhow? And why bother with them?

Iodine Coral's Prey Response by Eric Borneman and Ron Shimek (Discusses Iodine)

What are Natural Reef Salinities and Temperatures

The Great Temperature Debate, Various Authors

Live Rock As A Biological Filter: Hit or Myth?

Its in the Water

It Is Still in the Water

What We Put in the Water

Our Coral Reef Aquaria - Our Own Personal Experiments in the Effects of Trace Element Toxicity

Coldwater Scorpaeonids - The Rockfishes of the Northeastern Pacific

Down the Drain, Exports from Reef Aquaria

Reef Aquaria as Ecosystems

Feeding The Reef Aquarium, A New Paradigm

The Toxicity of Some Freshly Mixed Artificial Sea Water; A Bad Beginning For A Reef Aquarium

A Guide to Building a DIY BS-o-meter
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