Sad to go...

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Active member
Jul 7, 2005
I first, would like to thank everyone who has helped me out along the saltwater path. I got to read many posts, comments and emails that taught me so much and gave me answers to my questions, that I couldn't find anywhere else. I know my plans are to pick up the hobby a little further down the road, but like so many other things I know in my heart that it will never happen. At the present, I've lost all of my corals (which were quite a few) and all but 3 of my fish, and the only reason I have those 3 left is it sends me into a crippling depression every time I try and get rid of them. I did manage to acquire everything I needed; 90 gal, 30 gal ref., filter, mag 9.5, RO/DI filter, and was just holding out for the skimmer but being a disabled veteran on uncle sams income, that never made it here. I am very adament about what I choose to persue so there were tears shed every time I lost anything... kinda like now. As much as I hate to, I guess it's time to call it quits. I should have all of my equipment taken down and my account here on reef-frontiers closed by the end of the week. Again, THANK YOU all so very much and so long...
immedicatdru2 (I'm medicatd are you too?)
Steven Jenkins
Boaz, Alabama
Sorry to hear man...I kinda know the feeling as I gave up the hobby a while back because I could never get it right, but a year later I came back and everything was much better the next time around. I hope you do come back and spend some time here with us. You don't need a tank to enjoy the reefkeeping hobby :) In any event, whatever you decide to do, I hope it makes you happy...Take care and Happy Holidays :)