Well-known member
We have switched over to Panjo Marketplace to help manage our sales forums. To create a new ad all you do as always in the the Sales forums create a new thread and Panjo takes you to their site to set up the page and then links it back to the thread you created. You are required by panjo to register but it is a one time deal, also you can use Paypal or you can bypass this with the link option provided for cash sales.
RF Registered users with 100 post & 90 days will have full access to the sales. New users will have limited access to the sales forums now they can make purchases but they aren't allowed to make sales until they meet the 90 day 100 post policy and we certainly will continue to not allow post padding and will enforce it strictly.
I believe this process is the simplest way to have both worlds, new users starting out can buy good used products and hopefully get a good start and encourage posting and asking questions etc on the forum.
I'll be revising the user agreement to these changes & update the sales stickies as required.
RF Registered users with 100 post & 90 days will have full access to the sales. New users will have limited access to the sales forums now they can make purchases but they aren't allowed to make sales until they meet the 90 day 100 post policy and we certainly will continue to not allow post padding and will enforce it strictly.
I believe this process is the simplest way to have both worlds, new users starting out can buy good used products and hopefully get a good start and encourage posting and asking questions etc on the forum.
I'll be revising the user agreement to these changes & update the sales stickies as required.
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