Salifert Flatworm Exit Question

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user 2204

Well-known member
Dec 5, 2004
I am curious if anyone knows if the Salfiert Flatworm Exit has any sort of expire date? I checked the bottle and instructions and niether show any date, so I am assuming that it does not expire.

Does anyone have any input on this stuff as for the potency after about 8 years of sitting around? That is the last time I used it. I am thinking I might just pick up a new bottle. Maybe. :D

Use it and see how it works. You can always buy more. Turn off skimmer and carbon. Set up filter socks, a fine hand fishnet and a hand held power head to blast them into the water stream. Run at 150-200% recommended dose depending on tank size and time you have to catch and remove them. Remove as many as you can. Keep rinsing out socks frequently as the medication is not bothersome to fish and corals, but the decomposing worms are poisonous. Do not do any water change, skimming, or carbon unless fish are showing visible signs of distress. Leave in the tank until it breaks down on it's own. Will take days to get all the worms hidden in rock pores and deeper in the sand. If the old stuff doesn't immediately start to kill them, buy fresh.

If fish look sick, do big water change fast and run carbon
THx for the ideas Mike. I do have a full 100% water change ready to go. Of course that is for a do or die situation. :D Considering this is my 20L without a sump I plan on doing a 25%-50% WC after letting the stuff work.
Excellent, I have found a it can take a week to get each and every one.
Most quit too soon and have to do a second or third treatment, and that is a pain in the Wrasse and a waste of $