Hi Krish, thank you for sharing your experiences with me. But you have to admit you are a very very dedicated reefer to be able to top off your tank 2 times a day. Heck if everyone in the hobby was like you as far as paying attention to your tank there would be far lower mortality rate amongst livestock.
LOL! Doesn't take too much dedication to pour a little water in my tank on my way to work in the morning and then again in the evening when I go to feed the fish or lock up the house. Small price to pay for a wonderful hobby like this which takes very little effort and time. If I ever thought topping off, changing water, feeding fish or even adding 2 part supplements to my tank was too much, then I'd be in the wrong hobby
But I have to know, even though you are living in paradise do you not ever leve your tank for 24 hours or more? Now think of the average person who might leave for a day or two or weekend and are unable to top off there tank for a couple of days. And they have no one they trust enough to let them top off their tank. I would think somewhere around 1.022-1.023 would be the right salinity for them.
Oh definately! I go away on vacation for sometimes 10 days at a time! I have friends and family that I can really trust that I will leave the keys to my place with that will come over to feed my fish and top off each day and this would be when I had my 75gal tank that had dual 250w metal halides on it and would evaporate a few gallons a day! I guess I'd call those people dedicated friends and family

Back then, I'd just let them do one big top off each day. But now that I have my aquapod, the only reason I top off twice a day is because I don't want the pump for my hang on skimmer to come above water level during the day, suck in air and burn up because of how high I have the pump sitting, but that's the only reason. Not worried at all about any effects from salinity changes or anything at all because 1 gal evaporated from 24 gals won't change the salinity that much and at the rate it does evaporate it's not going to be a shock to the livestock anyways as they will have time to adjust with it just like when acclimating fish and corals. Oh yeah and as Chuck already mentioned...The salinity would rise not drop

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could lower the pump so I'd only have to top off once a day, but I feel where the pump is now, it will be more efficient. If I were to go away, I'd just lower it then so whoever was watching the tank, would only have to do it once.
In any event, where other people are concerned like you mentioned who may not (unlike me) have someone they can trust to top off etc each day, all they'd have to do is get an auto top off system, just like most people buy automatic feeders, and automatic dosers to keep things running smoothly while they are not around and if that is not an option, then either you don't go away and stay home to take care of your tank and the livestock you have in your care, or you find a new hobby