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commercial coral diver
Nov 18, 2005
will salt water go off in a tank that has no cicrulation...if start skimming filtering weeks later can that water be revied or just dump start again?
my lfs supplys natural seawter that he gets from the ocean and then is procced its 5cent a liter and a good excuse to go to the lfs he also supplys ro/di water but looking in to getting m yown unit
but the water in the tank was this sea water and it sat there for maybe 2-3 weeks with water and some old live rock that was in my tank then in the sun for awhile and now sitting in this tank
i just want to know if i should dump all water and leave dry before getting more water to fill it or do some water changes but is this just a waste of time?
Well if the water was sitting with LR in it in for weeks, and in the sun, with no circulation, then chances are good that stuff on the rock died and polluted the water. You could do the usual tests to find out.

But if the water had nothing in it then it should be okay to use after a period of aeration. Is that what you were asking?