sand bed

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You only want to mess with the top half inch or so. You want the deep part to go anaroebic to aid in converting nitrates.
Is 3 inches considered a deep sand bed??? If so, then don't disturb the bottom layers however, if 3 inches is not deep enough to go anaerobic, then you'll have to stir straight through. Never was big on deep sand beds so couldn't say for sure if 3 inches is considered one. Someone else will have to chime in on that:)
The definition of a DSB seems to change, I've read that it's anywhere between 3-6 inches. I think it has to be over 4 or 5inchs, don't quote me though I"m still really new at this.

Mine is roughly 3-4 inches and my pistol shrimp stirs it up completly ( down to the last .5 inch) ever 3-5 days.
My fuge has 3 inches and I only stir the top layer ever once in a while, leave most of the stirring to snails and crabs.
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my pistol shrimp stirs it up completly !!!!

HMM where have is seen that before :D
I swear mine are members of some sort of Miners Union
Got my place looking like a small scale gravel pit every moring :shock:

The definition of a DSB seems to change, I've read that it's anywhere between 3-6 inches. I think it has to be over 4 or 5inchs, don't quote me though I"m still really new at this.

Mine is roughly 3-4 inches and my pistol shrimp stirs it up completly ( down to the last .5 inch) ever 3-5 days.
My fuge has 3 inches and I only stir the top layer ever once in a while, leave most of the stirring to snails and crabs.