Saw these today

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
Port Orchard Washington
Im sure some of you have, and like me, some havent, but i saw these fish today at my LFS while getting water. I thought they looked pretty cool. Theyre called threadfin lookdowns.
Pretty spendy to. Their color was really neat. They were really silver with a light blue tint. So shiny it almost seemed like youd be able to see yourself.
Yea there was a LFS a while back that had a few of them in a large tank. They are chrome.......very cool schooling fish and big too. I think you need a very large tank for them. But Yea I wish I could have a small school of them. says they get 1' 8", require minimum 125g tank, carnivores. Kept with calmer fish. No fin nippers. To me, it seems like a 20" fish would need more than a 125g tank. says they get 1' 8", require minimum 125g tank, carnivores. Kept with calmer fish. No fin nippers. To me, it seems like a 20" fish would need more than a 125g tank.

I couldn't agree more, idk how they come up with these numbers.
The "Tanked" show I saw, they were in really big aquariums and were pretty large. The tank must have been 400+gallons and they still looked like they didn't have all that much room.
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