Seachem ParaGuard in QT

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Cajun Reefer

Well-known member
Oct 30, 2006
Houma, Louisiana, USA
I just received an online order of fishes from which I am extremely happy with thus far (first online live order ever). I currently have all of the fishes in a 55 gallon quarantine tank. I am thinking about keeping them in there for about 2 weeks with Seachem ParaGuard to treat any possible parasites, fungal, or bacterial problems.

Does that sound long enough assuming no additional signs surface? I know I should have QT the fishes separately but it's too late now.

According to ParaGuard's directions, I am to use 1 capful to every 10 gallons (5 capfuls=50 gallons), and I am to repeat daily as long as the fishes show no stress. So I'm assuming I would put 5 capfuls in every day for the 2 weeks unless the fishes react negatively, correct? I also plan on doing a 25% water change with Seachem Marine Salt every other day to keep up with the water quality. I am not running any carbon, only a Marineland Emperor 400 with Biowheels to help with any ammonia, etc. Also, I have some Seachem Purigen which should be coming in soon that I plan on running in the above filter.

Are there any concerns with using Seachem's ParaGuard with any of the following fishes:

2- Percula clownfish
2- Firefish gobies
1- Cleaner wrasse
1- Royal Gramma

Thank you for your time and assistance.

FYI: My display tank is currently a 90 gallon FOWLR with a Yellow Tang, Blue Devil Damselfish, Lawnmower Blenny, 5-very small Peppermint Shrimps, 2-Queen Conch, 20-snails. Currently, I have 4 hermit crabs isolated to be donated to my LFS. I don't want them killing my new snails! The damselfish will also be donated to my LFS.
I can only recommend the following procedure: A Quarantine Procedure. Use treatments only when something shows that a treatment is necessary, other than the one or two prophylactic treatments recommended in the above reference.

As to the value of ParaGuard -- never used it. I use proven curative medications only that work nearly 100% of the time. Maybe others have some experience with this product.

I'd argue the point of it 'being too late' to do it correctly. The fish can still be separated.

SWF dot com also has been known to use a single large system for all their fish, thus mixing potential diseases in the "vat".
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