Hello I am very very new to reefing, it was actually just thrown onto me but i seem to enjoy it but have not the slightest idea of what to do i keep going to the fish store 1 time a day trying to learn.
the 75 gallon established fish tank was torn down in the condo i bought, (it was amazing looking when it was up when i viewed the home, but they took it apart and left it on the patio (not sure if the movers forgot it or just left it) but i hurried and called a friend we got it inside and put all the water form the buckets back into it we place all the rocks and i think a lot of the plants are dead/dormant/dying in it, sadly the trigger fish,Benny and fire angle all died. but there are 2 clowns and a damsel still alive and a bunch of snails and crabs. I would like to know if there are any experienced reefers in the area that could assist me in a quick look-over/reshaping the tank i think it looks horrible but i just got the water stable and don't want to kill the rest of the fish also any advice would be helpful iv read so much stuff on the forms and on websites but theirs just so much info, thank you
the 75 gallon established fish tank was torn down in the condo i bought, (it was amazing looking when it was up when i viewed the home, but they took it apart and left it on the patio (not sure if the movers forgot it or just left it) but i hurried and called a friend we got it inside and put all the water form the buckets back into it we place all the rocks and i think a lot of the plants are dead/dormant/dying in it, sadly the trigger fish,Benny and fire angle all died. but there are 2 clowns and a damsel still alive and a bunch of snails and crabs. I would like to know if there are any experienced reefers in the area that could assist me in a quick look-over/reshaping the tank i think it looks horrible but i just got the water stable and don't want to kill the rest of the fish also any advice would be helpful iv read so much stuff on the forms and on websites but theirs just so much info, thank you