100gal for a first timer? Why!!
Well, I was going for a 30 gallon... my friend recommended go at least 55 gallon. The next day I found a great deal on a 100 gal, and decided to go for it!
Since this is my first time with any aquarium, I'm planning to go FOWLR, and maybe corals in 6mos+
I've been reading the following books:
The Simple Guide To Mini-reef Aquariums by Jeffrey Kurtz
The New Marine Aquarium: Step-By-Step Setup & Stocking Guide by Michael S. Paletta
- I live in a condo on the 2nd floor, so need to figure out if the weight will be ok.
- For 100 gal, ~220lbs (water) + 100lbs (LR) + 20lbs (fish?) + ~200lbs (canopy/tank/stand) = ~450lbs.
- I figure that's 3 guys 150lbs each, standing in a 5'5" x 2" area... should b OK right?
Here's all the stuff it came with:
- Acrylic, with some scratches on inside & outside[TODO]: buffing. Thinking of the Novus Kit.
- Integrated overflow at the back middle, with space for a lot of biofilter, as well a return pump.[/INDENT]
Canopy - lots of room for lighting & misc equipment.
- two doors in the front, one door on the side for sliding the sump in.
- Exterior dimensions: 5'5" x 23"
- Internal dimensions: will update (need to know if a G3 skimmer will fit)
- Size: not sure how many gallons. Will measure to calculate
- A partition on one side, and a sliding plate with a hole on top. See attached pic.
Skimmer - ViaAqua SK-388 in-sump. Has a broken connection in a joint. TODO Fix the joint, or sell this & buy new one. Thinking of the G-3. Overkill ?
- Dual 250W metal halide ballast.
- 2 x sockets for metal halide bulbs
- IceCap 430-008 ballast. 220V input, 330W output - 3 lamps @ 110W each
- 4 x sockets for CFLs.
- Niche Electronics Solar 500 dimmer
- Aerator - will update with specific model #
- Ebo Jager 150W.
The following are not included. I need to investigate these further, and get them:
- RO/DI unit - 110gal/day ok? Thinking of the WaterGeneral 6-stage 110gpd unit?
- Auto top-off mechanism - Lots of planning needed on this. Plan to put RO/DI under kitchen sink, and run a line to tank under the carpet. Will search here for tips.
- Return pump - gph/specific model ?
- Powerheads - how many/gph/specific model/placement ?
- Pump to mix the salt
- Bucket to mix salt for water changes - how big does it need to be? Can I simply mix in the tank, the first time around?
- Chiller - my living room currently stays at 55, but that will change soon. Need to get one before summer creeps in
- Lights: 10,000K- for FOWLR, get T5 compacts? How many watts?
- Lights: Actinic - how many watts?
-BioFilter - should I get bioballs, or algae? The overflow area does have an eggcrate partition... hmm. I'll search on here.
- Live Rock - Planning to get 50lbs EcoRox, 50lbs LR (maybe from Saltwater City, so its as Live as u can get)
- Live Sand - maybe 50 lbs. To little?
- Salt
- Oceanic.
- Refractometer/Hydrometer - anyone selling a used refractometer or hydrometer?
- Test kits - ph/ammonia/nitrates/nitrites Would you recommend any kit? (will search on here).
Any suggestions would be appreciated. I'll probably have answered some of this as I finish reading the two books, and read more here.
My 1st priority is getting the tank buffed, and purchasing an RO/DI filter so I can at least set it up under my kitchen sink.
2nd: Fix the plumbing, as we had to cut the 2 pipes from the tank to the sump in order to move it. I'll post more pics on what I need to join.
100gal for a first timer? Why!!
Well, I was going for a 30 gallon... my friend recommended go at least 55 gallon. The next day I found a great deal on a 100 gal, and decided to go for it!
Since this is my first time with any aquarium, I'm planning to go FOWLR, and maybe corals in 6mos+
I've been reading the following books:
The Simple Guide To Mini-reef Aquariums by Jeffrey Kurtz
The New Marine Aquarium: Step-By-Step Setup & Stocking Guide by Michael S. Paletta
- I live in a condo on the 2nd floor, so need to figure out if the weight will be ok.
- For 100 gal, ~220lbs (water) + 100lbs (LR) + 20lbs (fish?) + ~200lbs (canopy/tank/stand) = ~450lbs.
- I figure that's 3 guys 150lbs each, standing in a 5'5" x 2" area... should b OK right?
Here's all the stuff it came with:
- Acrylic, with some scratches on inside & outside[TODO]: buffing. Thinking of the Novus Kit.
- Integrated overflow at the back middle, with space for a lot of biofilter, as well a return pump.[/INDENT]
Canopy - lots of room for lighting & misc equipment.
- two doors in the front, one door on the side for sliding the sump in.
- Exterior dimensions: 5'5" x 23"
- Internal dimensions: will update (need to know if a G3 skimmer will fit)
- Size: not sure how many gallons. Will measure to calculate
- A partition on one side, and a sliding plate with a hole on top. See attached pic.
Skimmer - ViaAqua SK-388 in-sump. Has a broken connection in a joint. TODO Fix the joint, or sell this & buy new one. Thinking of the G-3. Overkill ?
- Dual 250W metal halide ballast.
- 2 x sockets for metal halide bulbs
- IceCap 430-008 ballast. 220V input, 330W output - 3 lamps @ 110W each
- 4 x sockets for CFLs.
- Niche Electronics Solar 500 dimmer
- Aerator - will update with specific model #
- Ebo Jager 150W.
The following are not included. I need to investigate these further, and get them:
- RO/DI unit - 110gal/day ok? Thinking of the WaterGeneral 6-stage 110gpd unit?
- Auto top-off mechanism - Lots of planning needed on this. Plan to put RO/DI under kitchen sink, and run a line to tank under the carpet. Will search here for tips.
- Return pump - gph/specific model ?
- Powerheads - how many/gph/specific model/placement ?
- Pump to mix the salt
- Bucket to mix salt for water changes - how big does it need to be? Can I simply mix in the tank, the first time around?
- Chiller - my living room currently stays at 55, but that will change soon. Need to get one before summer creeps in
- Lights: 10,000K- for FOWLR, get T5 compacts? How many watts?
- Lights: Actinic - how many watts?
-BioFilter - should I get bioballs, or algae? The overflow area does have an eggcrate partition... hmm. I'll search on here.
- Live Rock - Planning to get 50lbs EcoRox, 50lbs LR (maybe from Saltwater City, so its as Live as u can get)
- Live Sand - maybe 50 lbs. To little?
- Salt
- Refractometer/Hydrometer - anyone selling a used refractometer or hydrometer?
- Test kits - ph/ammonia/nitrates/nitrites Would you recommend any kit? (will search on here).
Any suggestions would be appreciated. I'll probably have answered some of this as I finish reading the two books, and read more here.
My 1st priority is getting the tank buffed, and purchasing an RO/DI filter so I can at least set it up under my kitchen sink.
2nd: Fix the plumbing, as we had to cut the 2 pipes from the tank to the sump in order to move it. I'll post more pics on what I need to join.
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