I probly should have waited. i moved two 29 gallon reefs off my bar and into a 75E just before Christmas. They were in a loop and est. some 3 yrs. I had to buy a baby cb ocell. clown and this coral beauty just before the end of the first cycle of the new tank. The clown died after one day, but I chalked that up to stress on the baby. The coral beauty is also juv. (3ish"). My algea blenny (old) died soon thereafter. Now my coral beauty started showing a fuzzy white patch around his gill and his pect. fin deteriorated to a pink and white nub with bones showing. He still eats great. I talked with a guy at the store and bought and dosed 'Revive' (the whole tank as he's been there with my other fish). now I have a quarr. tank for future additions, but I'd like to save this angel.
Can I dip him in this 'revive' stuff (dilution for one gallon x two for a minute)?
I might ask the manufacturer that.
Like I say, he's eating great, good color, and gasping.
I'll get a pict and post it.
The only effect I saw from the revive dose was that my polyps hid for 2 days.
Can I dip him in this 'revive' stuff (dilution for one gallon x two for a minute)?
I might ask the manufacturer that.
Like I say, he's eating great, good color, and gasping.
I'll get a pict and post it.
The only effect I saw from the revive dose was that my polyps hid for 2 days.