Signs that it's time to refresh your RODI

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2007
Lynnwood, WA

I bought an RODI unit from The Filter Guys. I've been using it for over 6 months and haven't changed filters or resin. My TDS meter that came with the unit still reads 0.00 TDS. Are there common signs that it's time to change out your filters and/or your DI resin? The Filter Guys said to change filters every 6 months on average and to change resin when the TDS measures >2. (FWIW, the TDS of my untreated local water is like 33, so not terrible.)
Don knows a lot more about this than myself, but if your water is less polluted the filters will last longer. If they are still reading 0.00 TDS, sounds like no need to replace.
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If you have color change di resin it will be sort of brown instead of dark green when its exhausted. As far as the prefilters go if the system is not falling off in terms of how long it takes to make the rated capacity they are fine also. 33 is very low and as long as we dont have any watershed issues or line flushing they should go close to a year.

my filter is also from them as well... my input is anywher from 25-110ppm iv always bin 0 comeing outta the unit...

now i wounder,

what unit did you get from the filterguys? (tds meter)

but the pre filters will darken with time..... the di will change from that black 2 a off brown like don said....

i replaced all my filters and my Di with out replaceing my RO.... and i noticed that this time my Di took a beating quickly....

next time around ill order the hole thing... the pre filters, the Ro and the Di refills
I just changed out all my filters. I put dates on the containers, so I know how old everything is. My RO membrane was going on 2 years, the others about 7 months. My incoming softened tap water when I measured it the other day was 513, and my output is 0. Once my TDS gets about 2, then I change out the cartridges. I let my membrane go longer (not longer than 2 years, though).
Aaah, you see I've got that going on right now....

hey jan, did you have the brown diatom bloom before you started using di or is it just starting? if you had it before, it took my 90 gallon reef a couple of months using the di before i saw any improvement. i know when i need to change the di when i see the brown diatom bloom.
I had diatoms when my tank was new, about 6 weeks after set-up. Then not at all until recently. So the first time it was pre-RODI system.

I just talked to TheFilterGuys' guy, and he doesn't think I need to replace my DI resin since my TDS is still 0.

I may be having the diatom problem because I'm new at Zeovit bacterioplankton system and I don't have the biology "dialed in" yet. I think I have been putting too much of the carbon source into my tank which has ended up feeding nuisance algae....
I bought my system from a Canadian outfit. They claim the ro element will last 2 years if you backflush monthly. My system is for drinking water also. My tds going in is 140 or so and 3-4 coming out which I'm told is not bad as there is a direct correlation to tds in-tds out. I changed out my filters at about 10 months(they were nasty)and did my resin at the same time to be safe(it was still greenish). I suppose the biggest factor is how many gallons you draw from it per day.

Do you have a pressure gauge on your unit? If so, I was told by Jason that if my pressure on my unit drops 20% it is time to change the filters.

Take this FWIW.

If your reading "0" TDS then I see no reason to replace filters unless your wanting more production, just because your slowing down the rate of produced water doesn't mean you need to replace filters. RO membrane can last several years before needing replacement, Di if color changing & your pre filters as in carbon usually slow down as they get used up, I like making sure the carbon is one of the first filters & most frequent replaced.
I found a plethora of information on the Spectrapure web site on cartridge life. I personally only use their systems and cartridges. You should be testing the TDS coming out of your RO membrane to see if it is working to spec. The Spectrapure membranes should reject 98%, so you should see a TDS reading of 2. Now it's up to you how far you want to let it go. The higher the TDS from the membrane, the more load it puts on the DI. I use 10 as my replacement number on both the membrane and DI cartridges. In reality when you start reading TDS off your DI cartridge, it is already bad. Its just that a TDS of 10 from a system is still good water. Much over that and you need to look at replacement of cartridges. For the sediment and Carbon, I do a visual. If they look dirty, I replace them, that simple.