Six lines problem. What should I do?

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2007
I got my new mystery wrasse yesterday, so excited to acliminate and put him into my 155 reeftank. Anyway, my sixlines wrasse chases and beats him agressively. My tank is full of SPS and lots of rock cave. What should I do? I even think of put a few more wrasses in there to nutralize and break to teritorial mood. Any idea?
Dither Fish

I would say if your system can handle the bioload, Dither Fish can be effective...but hard to capture if you want them for only a short time.

Good Luck to ya, it's like trying to redirect a heat seeking missile...those six lines are fast ha!?

6 Line's will typically not be appreciative of other Wrasses, to say the least. Before adding other Wrasses, I'd do whatever you're able to remove the newest Wrasse. Adding others might just be asking for more problems, if you end up with even more wrasses that don't get alone together.