Skimmer misbehaving

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Dec 12, 2010
Seattle, WA
My skimmer has not been pulling out much liquid for some time now. Can I run my hypothesis by you all?

I have an AquaC Remora Pro which used to pull out enormous volume of skimmate, to the point I had a couple of overflows and had to raise the collection cup. Now it barely extracts any liquid at all, even at the lowest cup setting. There's some brown gunk that accumulates, but very little liquid. I'd find it hard to believe that my water is so clean there isn't waste to be extracted.

Here's a stock photo of the top of the skimmer:

The black plastic plate on top of the collection cup is bowed so that its lowest point is dead center. I don't remember it being bowed when it was pulling out tons of skimmate, but then I don't remember it NOT being bowed either.

So here's my thought on why it's not pulling much out: Foam comes up the column to the collection cup and adhere to the lid of the cup. Since the lowest point is at the center of the lid, this foam condenses into droplets and drips back down the column into the skimmer body, rather than dripping into the collection cup.

Does that logic make sense to anyone else? Other ideas? Whenever I lift the collection cup lid I find foam, so it's not that there's a problem generating the foam in the first place.

If the bow in the lid is the culprit, any clever ideas on how to bend it back in shape? I think it's made of acrylic. I was trying to warm it up with a hair dryer and over the heater, but no luck. The lid is made of two separate pieces laminated together, one slightly smaller than the other so that it fits into the cup, which you can just make out in the photo above.

Id say your right. Makes sense to me. If you have a piece of flat plastic, put it in place of your lid and see what happens. If you do get stuff collecting, then i would just order a new lid. Hair dryer may not get hot enough. Try a heat gun, like what painters would use to scrape paint or shrink wrap with.