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Hermit D Crab
Nov 20, 2003
Hey All,

I have a old school counter current skimmer that has a 6" diameter shaft 5' long. I currently run 5 airstones in the base however I am interested in converting this into a Venturi style with a Beckett foam head.

Attached is a diagram of my initial design thoughts. Currently the input and output are at the top. The output runs up and out through another cylinder within the main shaft that runs just short of the bottom.

My thoughts were to close of the current input pipe and drill another one half way to 3/4 of the way down to the bottom to insert the beckett foam head. and hook that up to a higher throughput pump.

Let me know what you think??? One question I have is what kind of fitting can seal a rounded surface???
Well a uniseal would be great to seal that. I don't think that what you are suggesting is really the best way to go about what you want. I will have a think about it, and then let you know what I think.
Is it in a sump? I would drill holes in the bottom to fit sedra 5000 needle wheel pumps. Start with one see how it works then add another if needed. They also make a larger Ocean runner. Put a gate valve on the outlet to adjust. You may even want to use your current feed pump. Use uniseals to install the new pump / pumps.
The needles just replace your air stones and air pumps.

Ok here is how I might do it if I had your situation. So I do have couple questions tho. Is this a clear chamber? Is the box on the bottom have a hole in it that water could go into? If it does I would put the gate vavle on the bottom box, and this would make it easy to adjust the water level in the skimmer, with the air on full blast. I don't like having a water level that is unadjustable like it would be if you have the output at the top like that. You would have to adjust your skimming with the air input, and this sucks because the air intakes frequently get clogged if they are adjusted down, and require frequent maintenance. Anyway if the box is not connected directly I would just move the input from pump up a little, and then put a gate valve right on the bottom of the tube. It should work like a champ.
That's great Tom!

-Yes it is a clear chamber
The box is connected and just acts as a base. I could put the gate valve there, though I am thinking I don't totally follow the concept now. So if I move the input down to the base the injector would be moved there as well correct?? Or would the gate valve be used for the drain??
You are correct sir, the Gate valve is used for the drain. The reason for this is that by opening and closing the valve you can easily adjust your skimmer water height, and the skimmate consistancy. So if the base is sealed off from the chamber you can still do the gate valve thing, it will just have to be at the base of the tube instead of the box. Now on the input/ beckett part, you will need to make the little beckett chamber vertical I think (I could definately be wrong here) For it to draw air properly. Then it can just be attatched to the main tube w/ some additional plumbing and a uniseal. water valves on the input side should not really be necessary.

On the other hand, what Don is suggesting is also a good idea, and could be simpler. I personally prefer the needle wheel type skimmers, but to each his own.
gosh I hadn't even seen Don's reply... It does sound like a simplified method. I will look into the needle wheel concept before I start spouting out more questions!

BTW: This is not an in sump.

You guys have been a great help. Thank you!
Thanks Don!
Thanks Tom!
So many options when you are diy'n :D Have fun, and if you have any more questions just let know.
jlehigh said:
I could cut it down to fit as an in sump.. hmmm

If you use the Sedra's they are sealed well and it does have to go into the sump. Your concern would be the same as now with overflowing.
If you want to cut it down you can still use the gate valve in the bottom. Look at Toms skimmer thread in the DIY section. You will see how to mount the needle wheel pump. Although you can still use the uniseals to make it easier. The needles are more efficient (less power) and you dont have to buy the huge pump to run the beckett.
If you cut it down for the sump the ocean runner 2700 is $59.95 if you leave it huge the Sedra 5000 is $129 complete with euroreef needle wheel.

Hey Don, I am not sure if you know this, but the Oceanrunner 2700 is a more powerful pump then the sedra 5000. The oceanrunner is rated at around 2500 lph, so that is aprox 660 gph. The sedra 5000 is rated for less then 500 gph if my memory is working correctly!
big t said:
Hey Don, I am not sure if you know this, but the Oceanrunner 2700 is a more powerful pump then the sedra 5000. The oceanrunner is rated at around 2500 lph, so that is aprox 660 gph. The sedra 5000 is rated for less then 500 gph if my memory is working correctly!

Ya, but the sedra has a better impellor housing so no worry when mounting external. That was my may concern with his external skimmer. You were saying ocean runner could leak. I called a Euroreef dealer in CA they said the same. Internal Ocean runner external Sedra. I guess I should have said that.

Sorry for the confusion.
You guys are awesome. If it all goes as planned I will have a high perf skimmer for about 200 bones versus the 6-800 for euroreefs ect...

I'll post pics when it's done. This will be running on my 280 gal with 100gal sump/refugium. Two Sedras may be neccesary.. I have a total water volume of about 300 gal or so with all the LR. We'll see!