skimmer price question

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
Port Orchard Washington
I have a line on a bubble magnus nac7 skimmer. The guy wants $50 for it, its used of course. It doesnt have a pump with it. Is it worth 50? Ive heard mixed reviews bout this skimmer. The pump thats supposed to be with it is an atman ph2500. Is this a good pump? Or should i just pass on this skimmer? Im planning on using it on a 55g tank in the future sometime. Any input is, as always, appreciated.
I would go for it as well.

Until last week i has a SWC 150 which used the atman 2500. My first pump died after only 4months. I returned the pump (under warranty) and they gave me another one which has been flawless over the last two years (never had a stop/start issue). So I do have some reservations about the pump, but the second worked great and was very quiet.