skimmer question?

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Jul 13, 2006
berryville, va
can someone please explain the rating system on skimmers? i am looking to circulate 800 gph through my tank and need to know what to look for in the "skimmer dept." any help would be appreciated. soon-to-be reef geek.
What size of tank do yo have? As a general rule by the biggest skimmer you can afford, but if money doesn't grow on trees for yeah (Like most of us). By a skimmer rated for about double the size of your tank. Skimmer manafactures a have bad habit of over rating their skimmers.
different skimmer work in different ways. usually people decide based on size of tank and how heavily stocked the tank is. 75 gallon there are a ton of options.

1. do you have a sump(how much room for a skimmer)
2. what price range are you looking at?
3. tell us about the tank?
I'd get one rated for a min 150. The amount of water sucked through doesn't really relate to performance. What relates to performance is the amount of bubbles and contact time (dwell) with the water they have. If you actaully push to much water through a skimmer it can decrease it's preformance. It's a balance the needs to be acheived.

Bubbles+Long Contact Time= Nasty Skimate. :)..

What brand and model of skimmer are you looking at? Price range you need to be in? There's a lot of good skimmers out there to fit into almost any price range. Expect to pay approx: $250 +/- for a skimmer on a 75g.
picking up the tank this weekend....starting fresh. would like to go with a refuge, plan on making everything oversized for future. have been researching ASM skimmers(along with all else). trying to avoid a second mortgage, or selling my not cheap, just not rich either.
Welcome to Reef Frontiers schlegelli!
Looks like everyone has givin you great info already.
Keep your eyes open in the equipment for sale/trade forum lots of good deals to be had there.
thanks for the link bradreef....let me get to the point....i'm looking at the magdrive 1200 for the return, will this have any effect on skimmer performance?
Nope. this pump won't have much any effect on the skimmer. Might be a little much for your overflows. How many overflows do you have with this tank?

BTW: I have a ASM G1X on my 75g works great haven't had any problems and pulls out some good gunk.