Skimmer riser modifications

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Apolemichthys xanthopunct
Nov 29, 2004

I have an ASM G2 (like a Euro-Reef). I want to add something to the riser to redirect the water so I can pass the water over carbon. So I'm looking for ideas and pictures of how to do this. Remember, I still need to be able to adjust the riser up and down to adjust the skimmer.


I'm picturing this to be a tube going straight up. If so my first choice wold be to convert it to a gate valve. My second choice would be to make a 3" cup that can slide over the riser and be filled with carbon. It would look like a skimmer cup without a lid.

Ted are you looking for the out put water to be run over carbon?? Is this to burn off ozone??

mojoreef said:
Ted are you looking for the out put water to be run over carbon?? Is this to burn off ozone??


That's one use although my ozonizer doesn't run very often. I run carbon in a filter sock. I'm thinking of dumping the sock and want a nice way to use carbon.
Ahhh ok, then Dons idea is a good one. Just make a skimmer cup but I would keep the top, I would also take the bottom of the cup and drill a lot of holes in the bottom of it (smaller then the carbon particle) . Then drill a hole the size of the output pipe and slide the cup over it. Make the pipe go all the way through the carbon bed, this way the output water shoots up hits the top and the drains through the carbon and out the perferated bottom.

Do what I did to my ER skimmer. Add a pvc reducer bushing and a T to the existing slide tube so you can direct the flow and use the skimmer inside or outside the tank. I have photos on my site.