Skimmer sucking more water than air

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2005
I've finally hooked up my sump and plugged my G2 skimmer in and all I can get it to do is suck in LOTS of water, but very little air It seems it's just not getting enough air to mix with the water properly, so then the collection cup fills with water. I bought this from a guy on ebay umpteen months ago, so I don't have directions. I'm sure it's just something simple that I need to adjust (I hope). My other skimmer hangs on the back of my tank and this is a in sump model, so looking at that doesn't help me............ can somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Sounds like the air hose might be blocked or restricted. I'd pull the air hose and the piece that connects to the pump off. Clean it up real good and make sure there is no salt build up that might be restricting the air flow.
hey dood if that doesn't help... you should try also pming Mark (skimmerwhisperer) he knows a lot about skimmers so i'm sure he could give you a hand.
To me it just sounds like blockage. A good disassimble and cleaning and some good ol hot water pushed through the tube in to the water should do the trick. Good luck with it.
Ok, got it fixed....... it was the adjuster pipe, it was all the way up, so I put it at it's lowest spot, and slowly raised it and voila, perfect foam! I didn't even know WHERE the adjuster thingy was, although I assumed there was a way to adjust it somehow :) Thanks for your help!