SLR film camera

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Dec 15, 2003
Tacoma, WA
My kids other is looking for a SLR film camera for school. He's getting all the sales pitches trying to get him to spent big bucks. What is decent camera that he can learn with that is not going to break the bank.

Wow, no replies.

Your major players are Canon and Nikon. Then there's Minolta, Pentax, and a couple others. The Canon and Nikon are probably a little more expensive, but you are getting more options, more upgradability, etc. Here are a couple things to consider...

What are the chances he might actually like photography, and want to "get into it" a little? If so, think future, and I'd highly reccomend Canon/Nikon. Canon/Nikon's 35mm lenses will go onto their Digital SLRs, as well.

Check eBay. However, make sure you compare prices with online vendors. I see stuff sell on eBay all the time, for more than what you could buy it new elsewhere. A great price source is

My first camera was a Canon eLan7. I still have it, but it hasn't come out to play since I went digital (Canon 20D). Sometimes I miss it, because there's something.. softer, more artsy, about real film versus digital. Anyway, I think that camera can be had with lens for just a couple hundred dollars used, and it has bells and whistles your son won't need.

I just checked, and I'd recommend the Rebel series from Canon. The Rebel K2 with 28-90 (versatile enough) lens is only $190 new. It comes with the exact same lens my eLan7 came with, and I used it until I got the 20D with nicer lenses.

Yep... check eBay for Rebels, that's my suggestion. :) And if you couldn't tell, I'm a Canon guy, but only because that's what I had first. Canon and Nikon are both equally capable and top-of-the-line cameras.