Snail Spawning?

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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Hello all,

just happened to be looking at the tank, and wondered, what happened, water is cloudy, when i noticed all of my trochus snails emtting a fine silty cloud into the water...hmm... i thought snails layed eggs, or are these the male emitting sperm to fertilize the females eggs?
sorry no pics, i didn't want to stop watching to get the camera :)
Awesome! I am still getting baby trochus snails. I haven't witnessed a mass spawning event like the last time (watched both males and females), but see new ones all the time. Several of the tiny ones I stuck in the sump after the first spawn, and they are now getting quite large.
Mine are getting big as well.
Seeing a bunch in the sump and refugium.
Looks cool seeing them all do it at the same time.

cool... wouldn't ya know my skimmer went one on the way.. so it took a little longer for water to clear, which it is...

also i got an ok pic.. but my computer went down.. maybe tonite i will get it figured out so i can post it.. i'm looking forward to babies :)
yeah, was close hehe, luckily the snail was up top and easy to spot, so i didnt have enuf time to panic. whew
Here is the pic of the snail...hope it is visible... only lets you upload small pics here :)
