well, i am living back in Destin as of yesterday!! hopefully i will never be in, or anywhere around Louisiana again!!! i got my gear unpacked today and went out for the first time this year.. the water was crystal clear...i could see perfectly to the bottom at about 25-30ft..... i saw all kinds of stuff... i found several schools of tangs again.. they are of the Acanthurus family.( still not sure of the name)...i saw Coral Beautys, blue/yellow damsels, tangs, some sort of groupers(i think)
...there were baby damsels everywhere..i have never seen any that small before. they were literally everywhere.... i also saw what i think were two batfish.... they were about 6"X6"... i also found some sort of anemone's connected to a few rocks..i believe they might have been condalactus'.. it was a very fun trip.. we stayed out for about 3hrs and then called it a day... i will be back tomorrow!!!!!!