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Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
When I put on my goggles and swim around a reef, I find that to be one of the most enjoyable and relaxing experiences for me. I honestly would stay in the water from the minute we hit the beach till it is time to leave, sometimes not even wanting to stop for a bite to eat. :hungry: When it came to my tank, it was a sort of different experience for me. Instead of enjoying looking at my tank in this same fashion, I use to obsess with making sure this rock was positioned right, this little piece of algae was removed, the skimmer was set to produce the right type of skimmate I wanted and of course, what could I tinker with next :nono: Having an aquarium for me was more about getting things right and messing with things than it was to actually sit down and enjoy looking at my tank. Not sure what the experience will be like when I get my next tank up and running as it has been about 2-3 years since I had a saltwater tank, but what is it for you?? Do you actually sit down and enjoy looking at your aquarium or is it something different for you? :)
:behindsofa: Nope we just build it, prefect it, then tear it down like you do because we all have a reef in our front yard!:gh: :tape2:

:twitch: "What you talking 'bout Willis??" :rofl: I'm sure there are some members that will read this thread and say, "You know what, I can't remember the last time I sat down and looked at my tank?" :confused: They just feed it, clean it and move on hardly enjoying actually watching their tank. :)
For me, it seemed like the corals started growing once I stopped tinkering with the tank. I've been target feeding lately but other than that, I sit back and enjoy.

Posted via Tapatalk on iPhone 4.
For me, it seemed like the corals started growing once I stopped tinkering with the tank. I've been target feeding lately but other than that, I sit back and enjoy.

Posted via Tapatalk on iPhone 4.

Pretty cool! I had a freshwater tank up and running last year and that tank I actually watched. There is no challenge to freshwater so once I got it up it was just something I could sit back and watch the fish swim around. Some reason that was never the case for me with salt, but I guess we will see if that changes when I get another saltwater tank up...Probably not though :p
I haven't mess with my tanks for 2-3 months, only because I was busy with holiday stuff. It was nice though not spending so many hours trying to make it look a certain way. I'll be spending a lot time soon gluing frags that have became mini colonies onto LR...moving things to make them fit.
I feel guilty sitting down enjoying my tanks. Sitting there looking at them and not getting other things done around the house.
I've been sitting pretty much all day today watching my tanks. I need to clean the glass on a couple of them, but decided to just leave them alone and watch them. My eel was out and about for a while today. I fell asleep a couple times. I need to get up and feed them in a little while. Maybe I will clean the glass then and sit and watch them for the rest of the evening. Come to think about it, I havent done a lot of messing with anything for a long time now.
Do you actually sit down and enjoy looking at your aquarium or is it something different for you? :)

It is just starting to be something I can just sit and enjoy. I have always been the same....I look at my tank for enjoyment and end up spending hours tinkering, cutting myself, getting bit, moving this and that, making sure specific corals are in just the right place for the moonlights to make em glow and so on....still haven't figured out how to have the skimmer setup to get good skimmate....I think I need someone to come and help me out here.....seriously. It has been 2 years and I still haven't gotten it right. I am lucky to get any skimmate whatsoever.
I sit and watch the tank around 15 minutes a day. Just watch. Then I spend another 2 hours working on something fish related. I always think that if I just automate this, or buy one of those, I will be all set.
Great thread Krish, I think I have the time amounts backwards. Need to re-prioritize :)
I think alot of us wont be happy just sitting back and looking at our tanks. Most of us built our tanks from the ground up. They are in a way our off spring we need to mold them the way we see fit. What else can you do around the house that brings that much satisfaction? You can only remodle so many times before you go broke. I seen a line on this site somewere that said. { If it isnt broke fiddle with it untill it is}. Some people need to say this to themselves every day LOL.
I myself have cut way back on the fiddling. I try to keep it to the weekend when I to my weely water change. Unless something is really wrong.
There is also a saying that if you ain't bleeding it isn't fixed.:crutch:
Lol!! Well I think I will always tinker. That's the part of it I think I enjoy most. Guess it is why I keep changing setups. I must get bored when there is nothing much left to do. :p. Hopefully that has changed though. Guess we will soon see :)
I put my tank in my home office so I could sit and stare at it a few times a day. Unfortunately, I also have a habit of "making just one little adjustment" while I'm on long conference calls. It never fails that as soon as I have my hands in the water someone will ask me a question. The mute button on my wireless headset is constantly covered with salt!