Some Entrepeneurial suggestions...

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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gREEF Stricken

Well-known member
Jul 2, 2014
Graham WA
Fellow Entrepreneurial spirits,

So I just sold off all my freshwater fish in my fishroom and am gradually switching to primarily SW/Reef tanks. So I now have a bunch of empty but operational tanks and space. I am interested in utilizing them for a variety of small time local services to fund my addicton...:) I am appealing to you as a collective of a MYRIAD of backgrounds, lifestyles, living situations and tank setups to ask this:
Of all the little stuff you use/consume/purchase, what would RATHER buy local??
By this I mean for example take pods. I dig 'em. Have ordered them from several places and haven't truly been satisfied with what I got. but I can say this...If a local guy on CL had them for a reasonable cost I would be STOKED to drive 20-40 min to see the tank they came from, and who knows, get there and find he cultures all SORTS of stuff I have been ordering online or overpaying for at my LFS. I not talking a full blown business as I already have a regular gig, but just the random things that people would appreciate being able to get local, cheap and TODAY. I have been raising freshwater Daphnia for years but they are semi-useless in the Marine tank as they perish almost instantly in the salinity so now I will passing my culture to a friend and changing gears...Let me hear what ya got?


PS, for any idea beyond PODS, if I use it I will credit the original posting member and ship you something once I'm up and runnin.