Sooner or later, I will enjoy these tanks that it be only a matter of time

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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2006
Hillsborough NC
I been very busy with my grandchildren, so hope all been doing great here!
I just today had spoken to Jeff on the phone, for I called to see if he had many new arrivals that I might come out and take a number of pictures. In any case, I was forced to make some changes once again in my plans, for now I been forced to do the surgeries that im in dear need of. The fact be, I felt that I was forced more or less to sell the pair of dragon eels to help my daughter with money for her surgery and medical bills.

I just today told Jeff to start right this moment on getting me a new DME pair. As it was, at that time I took the eels to their new home, I did felt as I was empty in away, that I didn`t even want to take any new pictures prior to selling them. Now I not know how long it will take Jeff, whatever it will take, their tank will be ready to accommodate them. I told Jeff as well, that I have no idea on how my plans will work or need further changes due too my financial changes in medical situations like today.

For I was going to go ahead and get together $3K for him to complete the pair of reef tanks, and now as I said, was forced to make changes in my plans. I go into surgery as an out patient on Feb the 19th. Also, it be no sweat or problem, other then the pain and discomfort ill be in for due from the surgery.

Over the phone, Jeff had offered too complete the tanks just the same, that he trust me for the money. I mean, after all, I trusted him for so long with the money and I not had anything for that time to show for it. Only after we were off the phone, did I realized that I also need to get the electrician to do the upgrade on two wall outlets.

Why do I always insist on having the best I can get? It cost money!!
In either case, I stuck with this idea for these two reef tanks for now might be at its 6th year in paying and planning and that my heart is still set on SPS corals. So Jeff tells me not to worry for I told him before he settle it in his own way that it will cost a small fortune to stock both reef tanks, and that I didn't want to owe him so many thousands. He did say we can stock them slowly and I said that my plans were that I would put into both tanks at the same time, anywhere from $500 too $1,000 a month. I'm not even sure if ill be able to get that third lens and flash for my camera by mothers day, that I will be needing $2,500 for those two with few small items.

Now I not know or remember where I told the members that of the selling of my pair of dragon eels, that I had the female for more then 13 years, which was why I was more hurt of departing with the pair. And now in time, I will own me a second pair, new pair that is. to go into the 130 gal tank of the twin eel tanks, that the 70 gal tank holds a pair of goldentails, since they were 6.5". And had them now for a number of years.

Next week on Monday, if I can make it out there to Fish World, I will drive out there to chat with Jeff and if any new pictures to be taking, I will of the store tanks.