Spawning event. Pretty cool

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2009
Hansville, WA
I was witness again to a spawning event by the mini brittle starfish in my 75 gal tank.

I had seen it once before and at that time I didnt know what was going on. This time I knew and I grabbed the cameras.

These guys have gotten big. Most of them have bodies a good 3/8" in diameter or better.






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Sweet. It's kinda neat how they all know to come out at the same time and climb up as high as they can before poluting the water. I've seen it several times to watch. The wife would call me a dork whenever this happened cause I'd grab a kitchen chair and the camera and head for the tank. When I get home I'll share some pics of mine spawning.
Well Scampy, she would call us all dorks then. LOL!!!
I'm sure this happens more often than I know. I just happended to be home yesterday afternoon. I noticed a couple of them climing up onto the coral and knowing that is out of the ordinary for them, I knew what was going on and grabbed the cameras. All of a sudden there were well over 60 of them climing out of the rocks all over the place.

I wont need to feed the coral for another couple weeks.
Oh, just thought about it, I will have to check my skimmer when I get home. Probably should have shut it off.
Very cool.
I've watched this occur a couple of times in my tank. The first time was the night I moved everything from my 40 to the current 58.
Very COOL Lorrie, its still so amazing to me all the diversity in life that we have in our lil pieces of the Ocean. And why most of our spousal units think we are total Dorks for spending countless hours gazing at our glass/acrylic boxes hoping to see something new.

Cheers, Todd
That is awesome Lorrie, :D THx for sharing. Oh and Todd said it best, my spousal unit definately thinks I am a big reef dork among other things. :lol: Although, my spousal unit sometimes enjoys watching the glassboxes (mostly when a new one is set-up).

Here is a couple pics of mine spawning




And I got a really short video.

I had such a mini brittle star spawning event right after stirring up the tank. In other words, I seems to be able to trigger the event. Curious if others noticed this spawning was random, or triggered by some environmental factor (which of course could perhaps be repeated!)
Thats totally a possibility that it is triggered by something like that, because it happed within about and hour of a small water change.
Mine did it after a water change a couple times. They did it once while I was switching back and forth from actinic to white lights trying to figure out how to take a pic with actinics only. And they did it a few times without doing anything. They always did it late in the evening though.
Cool pics and cool thread. I have little legs sticking out everywhere in my tank during feeding but have never seen them spawn. I guess I just dont watch things very closely anymore. Thanks for sharing, now I know to keep my eye out for the little spawners.