Starting new SPS tank

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May 7, 2006
I'm planning on starting a new 30g SPS tank with a 30g sump and would like input. I'm purchasing a used MH with no bulb. What type of bulb is recommended? I heard a 10k was best. What parameters should I be measuring and what are the ideal levels. What type of supplemental additives should I be using. Trying to keep expenses down so I can't purchase any expensive equipment (like a calc. thingy). Thanks for the help.
I would say a 10,000 K XM bulb is my favorite, but many like the higher kelvin rated bulbs for the blue effect they add to the tank, although they are not quite as bright as the 10,000k. What wattage/type ballast did you buy?

As for calcium supplementation, that can easily be attained with kalkwasser dosing. I would get a kent marine dripping unit (around 30$) and some kalkwasser(pickling lime or Ca(OH)), and just drip your top off with kalk.

Be sure to have plenty of flow in the tank, on a tank that size you could probably accomplist it with a few well placed maxi jets.

To best be sure you aren't collecting any sediment in the aquarium, I personally enjoy bare bottom, using either PVC, or "starboard" to cover the bottom of the tank. Next to this you need filtration, which all I believe you would need is a good skimmer, an AquaC urchin would work perfectly.


Bulb selection is really a personal choice based on the look you like. With so many bulbs and ballasts available today it is best to look at a few tanks with different types to determine which combo looks best to you. There are so many types of SPS corals that some will look better or worse with any bulb ballast combination and proximity to the bulb. Also one person thinks the coral color looks great while another doesn't like it. Coral coloration has very little to do with the health of the coral. It is only for our enjoyment :)
Another consideration is the type of bulb and ballast. Some ballasts will only fire certain types/brands of bulbs. This is especially true of some of the older types of ballasts.

Can you do SPS corals with PC lighting? I have 330 watts over a 55 gal tank. Just cycled for 2 months ready to start getting corals and planning ... Bob
Hello Bob,
Since corals are found at varying depths you certainly can keep SPS corals under PC lighting. As a general rule I recommend they be kept within 12" of the bulbs and run carbon or ozone to help keep the water very clear. Porites, Montipora, and Pocillipora are a few that come to mind. The color may be darker and the growth slower but they will still do fine.

30 cube would be great as an SPS tank. I would look at a big sump and big skimmer. flow could be a little tricky because most pumps would be too much like streams and so forth. maybe the seio 620's would work good or a manifold closed loop. for Ca Kalk or two part would be the best because you wont need a Ca reactor for a little while if ever. you could do an auto topoff with kalk. a $20trash can or bucket with fresh water. throw an $10old pump in on a timer$5 to stir it up 4 times a day(preferably more at night to reduce ph going to high). and an aqualifter pump$14 on a float switch$50 to keep the tank filled.
Thanks, I really would love to do some SPS corals but have only had softies and LPS in the past, no corals right now, think I'm about ready as water parameters are good and tank has been thru several cycles , I do have a whole crew of reef janitors keeping things looking . Probably should start with easier to keep items to makee sure the system is good? what do ya think, I like all kinds... where is a good place to get started with some frags?
I reconverted from fowlr to reef. just get the water quality back to top notch and let it adjust for a month or so. water quality and light are what gives SPS growth and health. flow it one of the biggest factors with water quality because it alows the nutrients to be removed from the coral and reduces dead spots for phosphates to linger and not get skimmed.
i'm doing around a 30 gallon sps and was wondering was a good overturn of flow, assuming it is well placed and such, i will have over 1000gph in mine through seio, skimmer pump and overflow and return