Starting with fish-only but a reef tank is next!

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New member
Nov 22, 2012
San Diego
Hi All,

My husband and I are in the process of getting back into salt water tanks after a 10 year break. We just recently set up a 165 gallon tank with a wide variety of inhabitants (golden moray eel, midnight puffer, juvenile imperator, bird nosed wrasse, midas blenny, brown powder tang, cowfish and a sargassum trigger). It looks awesome and everyone seems like they will get along just fine.

We are super excited to be spending every cent we have on tanks, supplies and fish again! After we get these guys dialed in we will be starting on a 55 gallon reef tank. We have never done a reef tank so we will need a lot of advice.

Happy fish-ing!

Paul and Paula
Hey Paul & Paula,
Welcome to Reef Frontiers. That exciting for you, starting a reef tank. Its a very fun and rewarding hobby.
Looking forward to seeing pics of your tanks.
Happy Reefing!
Oh, any questions, please ask. There are a lot of great people here to help and there are a alot of older threads and articles that will help with any questions you may have too. Search around the site and read. There are a lot of different types of corals and different needs for each. Figure out what it is you would like to accomplish and let us know.
welcome back to the hobby just take it slow and learn learn learn reef is a whole diff ballgame of saltwater than a fowler tank, but a fowler can be more work than a reef tank so don't be to scared. just cleaner water and magnesium alkalinity and calcium are new factors to the game.
i only say a fowler can be harder because i cant keep a fish alive for a long time to save my life other than my mandarin clowns and hippo. them my Buddie is the exact opposite. he can keep fish but kill coral even the easy ones like hydnofora and zoos and mushy s. so every1 is different.
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Paul & Paula,

Welcome to RF !!!

My advice for reef is before you buy ANYTHING for the 55g tank is to decide what types of corals you want to keep..second step is to decide is the corals you want work together in a reef system..third, decision of lights (MH, T5, or LEDs). last is water quality..Personally, I would take it slow and learn as much about water quality with the FOWLR system you have..give yourself at least 6 mos to 1 yr before you try reef and while you are waiting, read and research, read and research as much as you can about water chemistry and the relationship between pH, Ca, Mg, and Alk.

we have a Chemistry forum with some great articles you can read..if you need help locate them, let me know.

Welcome Back to the Saltwater Hobby and welcome to RF.

As said before, this site has a lot of knowledgable people that will help and many articles.

Starting the hobby myself this year, I have learned that patience is key as stated by NC2WA above! He has given me some excellent advice as well as IPisces and others.
Welcome to reef frontiers. Your in the right place as others have stated.
I can't wait to see pictrures of the 165 fish only!
On my experiences I think fish only would be harder than your basic softie zoa reef tanks

Good luck and ask for help with any questions. Everyone here is very knowledgable
Hello and welcome to the forum. Great having new people join. O and I see your from california, I grew up down there .
Hi Kirk,

That is excellent advice. I think it will be at least 6 months before we have the $ since our FOWLR just sucked up everything we have! I am super excited about the reef tank though. I didn't even realize that you couldn't have certain corals together. Sounds like our first purchase should be a book! :)

We will keep you posted!