Stickies gone wild.

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Well-known member
May 3, 2005
Ever see a section on a bbs/forum where there are well more than 5-10 stickies, and you have to scroll waaaaaay to far down to even start to see actual threads?

Anyone else think more than 10 stickies per section is getting a bit much?

There's a couple sections here getting close to having to go straight to page 2 to begin with the most recent thread.
So really you think I should PM the moderators who made the stickies about them making too many stickies?
The only forum that has many stickies is probably Lee's & he changes that frequently, most of his are very informative & are used as reference resource for many people but he does respond to his forum fairly reasonably, If you start a new theread or post there. Other than that I don't see where it is really that bad.
Yep, we don't wanna lose Lee's stickies, unless he combined them all into a big MONDO STICKY or something like that
Yep, we don't wanna lose Lee's stickies, unless he combined them all into a big MONDO STICKY or something like that

Or maybe one sticky that contains links to all of the threads? Personally I like having them all on the first page as I still re-read many of them regularly. However, I can see the first posters point, if you are wanting to look for other post you are having to scroll way down.
The only forum that has many stickies is probably Lee's & he changes that frequently, most of his are very informative & are used as reference resource for many people but he does respond to his forum fairly reasonably, If you start a new theread or post there. Other than that I don't see where it is really that bad.

I agree...Only maybe Lee's forum has a few sticky's as well as the resource library which is really nothing compared to the entire forum as a whole. The majority of the general areas that most people view don't have many sticky's at all. 5-10 sticky's is not that much and only takes a second to scroll past which is why I don't see where it can pose a problem :confused: Just think about how hard it would be and how long you'd have to scroll if there weren't any sticky's at all and you were looking for an important thread... Just my 2 cents. :)
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i love stickies myself, and read most everyones here.

The feedback/suggestion I'm giving(i think this is the place for that) is with 80+% of surfers have displays of 800x600...yes still, we can thank cheap 15&17" lcds for that. While I run 1280x1024 on one machine and 1024x768 on another, i'm still scrolling down with each to see something new in certain sections. Everyone has there own design scheme for a website, and this one is great, but when you go to a new page on a forum/chat site especially, at least some new content should show up without having to scroll down, right?

<6 stickies allows for that at 1024x768.
<13 stickies allows for that at 1280x1024.

I'm not saying "scrolling is too hard, help me", but there is reason for good UI design at the same time.
I think that there is still to many stickies in the fish section. With so many stickies, some lose there importance. A simple reference post to where all the sticky posts are would be better. Stickies also makes it to easy to say its in the sticky don't ask. Personal attention is a pro of the smaller forums, regurgitating info does no good.
Perhaps 95% of the information requested or questions asked, are already covered fully in one of those stickies. I'm delighted he so generously offers this free quality service.
i like the stickies, they're very helpful.
plus we have people always joining the website and some are new to the fish keeping, so for all the new people i'm sure it helps them a lot dood, and for the ones that have been here for a long time, it help us refresh.
Even after 2+ years in this hobby I still go back to those stickies either for myself, or to try to help out others by referring them to one of the stickies on that page. I am not confident enough to provide a lot of help but I am confident in Lee's knowledge and I know what material is in those stickies, so I feel I can help out by referring somebody to a particular post.

I like it the way it is. As others have stated those stickies are going to provide an answer to most questions or at least allow someone who is searching for an answer to eliminate some possibilities.

As far as the comment that the stickies make it possible for the mod to just refer to the stickies instead of giving personal attention I think that was unfair. Lee spent a lot of time providing the detail in those stickies and if he had to re-type that info every time somebody asks the same question he would quickly burn out or at least quit providing all the detail that teaches us what we should be thinking about/ doing to properly care for our fish. Lee is a great moderator for the marine fish forum, his knowledge is priceless and I have learned immense amounts from him and those stickies. He has never failed to respond to one of my post or to respond to a post in another forum that I have seen needs his attention and I have PM'd him to give him a heads up on the post's location. However, I feel an individual should spend sometime looking for their own answer within the material already provided. Why should the mod have to continually repeat themselves because individuals choose not to spend a few minutes and use the search tool to look for an answer. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen a post start out "I just bought a clown fish and now. . ." And typically it quickly becomes obvious that some of these people will not read the material they are provided (the stickies) and are just looking for somebody to tell them to go buy some magic cure potion to add to the tank and everything will be wonderful. This hobby is not easy, there are no magic cure potions, and to make the best decisions you need to do some research. For me those stickies are the best resource for research I have found, I have read them all, some many times and I know exactly where I can find them . . .right on top of the Marine Fish Forum!
I find myself normally NOT reading the stickies. However, at times, when there's no new posts to read, I'll open up stickies and find information I really wish I'd have read in the past!! They're very informative!! As was mentioned above, especially for new members and new reefers, most of the stickies would be invaluable if taken the time to read.
As an observation, there are FAR more members that "read" than make active posts. Therefore the stickies are very helpful for those that are doing research on items and they provide the answers. Similar to our resource library section where it is meant to read and gather information but very fish related so it seems to integrate well into that forum.
Well, arent stickies a sticky subject:D
I think I'll stick around to see if anyone comes unglued:D
Hopefully no one will say anything tacky about stickies:D