Stocking a 120 gal tank?

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Well-known member
May 20, 2008
Tumwater WA
Im not really new but I only had a 55 gal tank for about 2 years and bought it with fish and tank all ready running. So now I have a 120 gal tank and it has been running for about a month I'm going to wait 1 more month before i add fish but I want to know if this is to many fish and in what order I should add the fish in to the aquarium?
Here is what i would like:
Lawnmower blenny, Yellow Tang, Blue Tang, Purple Tang, 2Fairy or flasher wrasses, 2Clown fish, 3Cardnils, 3Firefish, 2Green Mandarins, and 2 Spotted Mandarins.

I have over 120 lbs of live rock a deep sand bed, and a refugium.
What do you think
Thanks in advance for the coments

I would skip on the Mandrins as they will not make it in that small of a tank, maybe 1 would be ok down the road after the tank is full established and pick between the yellow and purple, but not both...The rest sounds good... :) Feel free to ask anymore questions..
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Thanks! Do you have a suggestion on what order to put the fish in. I kept a mandarin in a 55 gal. Do you think i could keep at least 2 I would like a pair.
you could keep two mandarins in a 120 if it has matured long enough (8+ months) to build up your pod population. The problem is the wrasses for they also help themselves to a healthy supply of the pods.
I also want to reiterate what has been said. Choose between the yellow and purple tang, and I also wouldn't put more than 2 madarins in a mature tank. As was stated in an earlier post, the mandarins will be competing with wrasses for food, so you may want to reconsider having 2 mandarins, or the wrasses.

Due to tank maturity, I'd add the mandarins in the future after letting the tank get established for 8 months or so. Perhaps starting with the firefish, cardinals or clowns would be best, then move onto your tangs.
Thanks for the order And I will definantly wait on the mandarins. I think the purple tang is out but thanks for all the info
Generally, you want to shoot for adding the more timid fish first. That means cardinals and firefish, in this case. The more territorial fish like the clowns are slightly later in the game just because of how they'll fight for their territory. The blenny doesn't really have anyone to fight with in that crowd, so he could be added at any point, really. Make sure he has a sufficient grazing food source. Lawnmowers starve a lot more often than people would like to admit.

I also have a 120g, it's coming up on one year almost. So far, it has a copperband butterfly, sailfin, powder blue, flameback angel, red spot goby and some chromis. The tangs are the bullies, but they only pay attention to their own kind, really. They've never even give any of the smaller fish a second look. Still, in hind sight, I should have waited, because they're still a little dominant. Luckily, the CBB is the top dog, and he keeps everything in check.

I have a couple bangaii cardinals in QT, but they're tiny babies (got them from a local reefer who had a successful hatch). When they're large enough to handle the big tank, they'll make the move over. I don't expect any of the other fish will care much, as there really aren't any similarities.

Really, the biggest conflicts come from similar fish. Generally, you won't see fighting between a tang and a firefish, for example. The only exception is clowns. They'll fight with just about anyone. :)
Thank you all so much this really helps alot I have the Blenny in there now I dont think he will starve any time soon there is a lot of algea in there for him.