Strange PH Readings

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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2007
Today I noticed my PH was reallly low, 7.14 down from 8.11 the previous day. I have a PH probe close to a corner of my sump, and I decided to take a reading from the effulent out of my CA reactor. It was 6.7, so I was wondering how the PH was reading 7.14. The probe is always in this location, and it's the first time I've seen it so low. I decided to move the probe to another location, and it read a PH of 8.07. My CA is 425, my MAG is 1550, salinity is 1.025, and my alk is 11dkh. Any idea about what might be going on here? :confused:

I decided to bump up the PH earlier, just to be safe, and right now it's reading 8.20. Normally my PH holds around 8.15.
maybe too much calcium was released thats really the only possible way unless your probe is dying?
Im sure it was just a bad reading but when you say "bump up" ph do you mean in the tank?


Yes I added a little buffer yesterday to bring the ph closer to 8.3. After I moved the probe the ph is reading 8.15 this morning in the tank, and 6.6 from the reactor effulent. I'm thinking it was a bad reading, and hoping the probe isn't dying... it's only 6 months old.
Yes I added a little buffer yesterday to bring the ph closer to 8.3. After I moved the probe the ph is reading 8.15 this morning in the tank, and 6.6 from the reactor effulent. I'm thinking it was a bad reading, and hoping the probe isn't dying... it's only 6 months old.

Be careful with buffers, most will raise your alk.
