Strange yellow growth

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It was in the back but on top so it was still exposed to 500 watt of MH. Will try and Google and see if I can find any kind of similar sponges.
Yellow sponge...good indicator of a healthy system.....
I have it in my sump all over the rock in the final chamber....
The only places sponge is visible in my display is where the Angelfish cant get to it.....
I have had a Bi-Color for years and he never bothers anything :)

My Regal has always gone after sponges....
It didnt touch any softies or my clams for the first 3 years I had it....
Then one day it snarfed down some brand new Devil's Armor Zoas and began nipping at my clams....
So dont be surprised if your Bi-Color Angel changes its mind and goes after it one day.

Well he's been in my tank for 6-7 years, and it is a mixed reef, with a little/lot of everything. But you never know