Strangest place you've found a snail

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Sep 9, 2003
So yesterday, looking at the tank, I noticed a small (nassarius-size, can't remember the name) snail on the elbo that comes out the bottom of my seaswirl. Peacefully riding along, back and forth, munching away.
No clue how he got there!

What strange places have you found snails?
I found one on the table out on our patio. Must have ridden out there on something I was hosing off. It had been a day or so, but I dropped him back in the tank. After about 10 minutes he was on his way.
On the floor behind my tank. Completely closed up and bone dry. WTH!? Put it back in the tank just for the heck of it and I was shocked it was still alive and still is :)
once found a lobster that escaped and followed the walls to another room crawling behind couches and furniture. I had 5 cats at the time and the litte guy was complety cocooned in cat hair. don't know how long he was out, but after cutting away and returning to tank he lived for for months.

but yes, I have also wonderd how snails get onto roating equiptment as I have witnesses also.
once found a lobster that escaped and followed the walls to another room crawling behind couches and furniture. I had 5 cats at the time and the litte guy was complety cocooned in cat hair. don't know how long he was out, but after cutting away and returning to tank he lived for for months.

but yes, I have also wonderd how snails get onto roating equiptment as I have witnesses also.

Mine was a blue lobtser and was also half way across the house covered with hair. Dry as a bone and stiff for a couple days before it's joints softened enough for it to move again.

Never had a tank snail leave a fish tank before but have found thousands of them inside of tin cans, wrapped in card board boxes.
Not the craziest place, but pretty funny.
Every once in a while I find one going for a ride on the backside of my tuxedo urchin.
I dont really think they wanted to be there.:p
I once found a hermit crab in the middle of my living room. He had been trying to escape the tank for months by climbing on to the snails that would hug the water line, and he finally got his wish and climbed out of the tank. I threw him back in the water and he never tried to escape again. Sometimes I think our little critters deserve a little more respect in terms of their intelligence.
Don't know if I would call that intelligence or initiative. but I agree they deserve more respect.
If he is that smart, he is probably coming out quite often while you aren't home, and then just climbs back in before you notice.
My wife and me were swimming in gran cayman. When she came out of the water, she had one on her leg and another that crawled up and out of her shirt on her neck. She was freaking like she had spiders, i was laughing so hard. Probly didnt help. I had one end up on top of the center brace. It was definately dead. MH and snails dont mix.
i had fresh water crabs at 1 time and a guest found 1 in the bathroom by the toilet. gave her quite the shock.