suggestions for first coral - 12 gallon aquapod with 2 fish

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Apr 13, 2006
los angeles
My 12 gallon aquapod has been running for a couple months now. i have a couple fish in there right now (green and yellow chromis). i'm looking to swap out those fish and put a perc or two in there. what is a good coral to put in as a first in my tank. i guess im thinking of something that has the best chances of surviving. thanks for the suggestions in advance :eek2:
btw id also like to mention i have 2 cerith, 2 trochus, and 2 nassarius snails in there. and all water parameters are good ammonia, nitrite are 0 ppm and nitrate ares almost 0.
Hmmm....what do you picture the tank with in the future? Are you interested in a mix of softies and LPS, or were you planning on focusing more on softies? With my 12 gallon nanocube, I started out with a blue striped mushroom, added some small colonies of zoanthids, and a small blasto. The cool thing about a 12 gallon tank is you can buy the small colonies of corals, and they look great! What lighting does the 12 gallon aquapod come with?
and what are the lights on yours, is it the deluxe version, or am i thinking of the wrong product, i think those things don't have good enough for sps, so i'd suggest mushrooms or zoos, i started with kenya trees, tongue coral and mushrooms, and star polyps, don't do a tongue coral, though you'll probably do better since your lights are closer to the bottom of your tank, mine i had to bring within a 6 inches of my light, that was a pain in a 20" tall tank and it likes substrate underneath it, just some of my experience, i'd suggest zoos just cause they're a little nicer then mushrooms and they're supposed to be quite hardy
Get a shroom or 2. You cannot, repeat, cannot kill them. Watch them expand, see their various reproduction strategies (2 myself so far) and the likes. I started w/1 and now have 3. Xenia will do ALL TOO WELL. Zoantids are another nice choice for starting out.
thanks for the suggestions .. i think ill start off with a mushroom or two.. sounds like i cant go wrong with them =)
I second the leather, but I'm partial to them. They could eventually outgrow a twelve, so it might be a good idea to start with mushrooms or zoas that multiply, instead of getting humongo ;)

First coral I ever kept sucessfully was a green leather toadstool. I have a tank full of it now...